Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Omni-Directional Crawler robot can move in any direction

If you have heard of omni wheels then you know that they enable robots to move smoothly. Recently, a research group in Japan (not surprised) has developed a robot that move in all directions. They also showed off their Omni-Ball, a ball-shaped, omni-directional wheel the same way of which are used in the crawler robot. The robot uses the Omni-Ball, its basically just a ball shaped omni-directional wheel made by the research group. It works by having two hemispherical wheels that face each other on either side of an axle. This means that each Omni-Ball can move by itself or together as a ball. If this type of mechanism gets developed by other companies, we may see these on cars some day! Thanks for reading and check out the video above to see this robot in action.

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