Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ava, the futures nurse for the elderely

If you remember I did a post on iRobot's Ava robot, well today I here to tell something a little better. iRobot has made Ava into a personal medial assistant for doctors and the elderly. By this I mean that if a elderly person had trouble getting out of the house to see a doctor, Ava would replace the actual doctor. It would do this with the help of a tablet (iPad, hp tablet, etc..) and a video chatting service (skype or facetime), and then the person would look into Ava's camera and see the doctor. The would also be able to talk to it's patient, and find out about medical conditions and issues. However, this bot isn't available right now, but the good news is that the CEO of iRobot, Collin Angel, said that the robots price tag would be around the low single digit thousands, or possibly lower. Thanks for reading and here's a link the robot video, (sorry I cant put it on the blog, it has a standard YouTube license)

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