Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Nerd Club is moving

After three fantastic years down here in Brighton, we're on the move.
Hopefully it'll only be a temporary move, but with work and family commitments, we're having to decamp for a while and move up to North Wales.

It's not all doom and gloom of course!
First up, we're looking to start a hackspace/maker group up in the mountains. As members and regular visitors to BuildBrighton, we'd love to see something similar, albeit on a slightly smaller scale (BuildBrighton have just taken over a large part of the Rodhus Art Studio and arranged the 2011 Brighton Mini MakerFaire thanks to their increasing subscriber base and growing community - it'll take us quite a while to get to that level!)

And, of course, once the move is over and we've settled into our new space (wherever that may be) we're hoping to get making, blogging and video-ing all over again. With a new bunch of nerds and geeks. 
So while it may be a bit quiet on the blog for a while, it's not an indication that nothing is going on - there'll be plenty of news, when we're back up-and-nerding in a few short days...

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