Thursday, September 15, 2011

Evolta robot lingers up for the ultimate challenge

Its about the size of iPhone, buts in capable of pulling off amazing challenges. Say hello to Evolta, the smallest robot that has ever climbed the walls of the grand canyon and rode a bicycle for 24 hours. However, this bot is getting ready for Hawaii's Ironman Triathlon, and in that triathlon Evolta will have to run, bike, and swim for over 100 miles. Evolta has 3 body types, and each one is specially designed for each event. Whats even cooler is that this robot runs on a pair of common household batteries that are rechargeable, Evolta does have a time limit, and has only 10 days to complete the triathlon. So even though this bot is small, its able to conquer big challenges. Thanks for reading and check out the video below to see this bot get ready for whats up ahead!

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