Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Components for onboard wah pedal

While waiting for our eBay Ferric Chloride to be delivered to test-etch some Press-n-Peel alternative a different parcel appeared in the post today - it's an order from Farnell for parts for our multi-effect pedal.
There's a fabulous selection of resistors, capacitors, buttons and switches:

Also included are some rather beefy 500mH inductors. They're for use in the wah part of the effect (just hope we've left enough room on the board as they're quite chunky!)

In fact, a quick trip to Maplin might be in order to see if our local Brighton store has any ferric chloride it (it probably won't - the Brighton store must be the worst stocked Maplins in the UK - unless, of course, they're all as hopeless as this!). I'd be great to get something at least working, if not finished by the end of the day!

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