Friday, June 15, 2012

New Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots Revealed by Tomy

Yet again, Tomy will be releasing another toy to the market. They call them BattroBorgs, and they're little Rock 'Em sock 'Em robots. Just like in the movie "Real Steal." However, unlike there older brothers from the 80's, these bots are controlled with a remote that kind of looks like that of a Wii. They are also equipped with LED's on there backs that indicate how many hits they have received from the opponent. These bots also do not require any batteries, but do recharge with the controller. Charging time is double the amount of play time so thats a downside right there. Anyways, if your interested in buying these little guys then you may have to wait until the end of this year. Thanks for reading and check out the video above to them in action!

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