Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Working guitars - Flying V and Explorer

After what seems to have been months of development (and re-development) we're finally ready to ship our first two miniature guitars. The software is still in "beta" phase, so these are going to our good friends Aaron from Oomlout and Chris at HPC Laser

Here's a video showing the basic guitar functions, and the software in it's current state (including lots of "coder art" - we're techies here are Nerd Club, not artists!)

Each instrument uses an Activex exe (sorry true geeky types, Windows only until someone can write a Linux port) but the benefit of this approach is
  • using a different thread to actually play sounds means more responsive play
  • anyone with a bit of macro-building experience can write their own software to integrate with the instruments.

The software shows how multiple users can share music by recording to a different track for each instrument. This demo shows an existing drum track with a guitar track being played over the top.

[video goes here]

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