Saturday, October 8, 2011

Robot Week Wales Wrexham

It's been a busy couple of weeks and while we've not managed to get much further on the multitude of projects we seem to be working on, we have been involved in some exciting developments.

The first thing is being involved with setting up HackLlan, a new hackspace for Llangollen and North Wales. At the minute it's a small community with a small space, but after less than a week, numbers are already increasing, and just as importantly, so is the interest in the group.

We're also looking to get involved with Robot Week Wales which is a week-long celebration of robotics, based at Techniquest in Wrexham's Glyndwr University

And as part of the build-up to the Robot Week, we're looking to put on a show-and-tell session with other members of HackLlan, to show new potential members the kinds of things they can make at their local hackspace. This will be followed up with a more formal robot-building workshop, where attendees can make their own line-following robot.

So while all this is going on, our recent x-y plotter/cnc pick-n-place machine looks like it's going on hold. But we're determined to soldier on with our miniature instruments developement. The software is almost finished now (we've been working on it over recent weeks, while the internet connection here has been a bit intermittent) so we just need to get our guitars finished and tested and we're ready to launch a new website (details to be posted here nearer the time)

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