Thursday, April 14, 2011

We Have Made Website Improvements

We are constantly seeking to find what our customers want to know when they visit our website. For this reason, we've made some really great changes to our website!

Social Media:

There is a lot of value added when you can stay in contact with your customers. We firmly believe in the highest level of customer service possible. We have added social media icons on our Homepage that link to our Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and of course, our Blog. Be sure to visit our site and 'Find Us', 'Like Us', and 'Follow Us', for the most up to date news about our products and services. You can also navigate to those accounts right from our blog on the right hand side of the screen.

Fast and Easy Quotes:

We understand that when customers submit an RFQ that they may want to include supporting documents or images. Even just a brief description in the text box of your project is perfectly okay, but we wanted to make sure that uploading files is easy and available to you. We have added 5 upload file boxes where users can attach up to 5 documents to the RFQ before you submit it to us for a quote. You can see the change and fill out your RFQ here:  Quotes and Contact  This is also the same form that you would use for general contact. We love to hear from our customers, and we hope to hear from you soon!


 We like to keep customers informed about our products and services. We have found that E-newsletters are one of the best methods to do this. We just added a simple form for new visitors to sign-up for our newsletter right on our website. Simply go to our site here: JC Gibbons Website, click on the 'Get Our Newsletter' button, and type in your e-mail to get started. You can also select what information you would like to receive from us. Our current choices are general information, screw machining, and cnc machining. Sign up for one, two, or all three of them to get all of the latest news about our products.

If you have any feedback or suggestions about other changes to our website to serve you, let us know on our blog, or use the contact form that we discussed earlier in this posting. We look forward to serving you!

By: Devin Pringle


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