Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Meet AVA, iRobot's New Telepresence Robot

iRobot's first telepresence robot, "connectr", didn't exactly fly off the shelves. So now their at it again, but with a new and better start. AVA is iRobot's newest telepresence robot. The robot can ovoid objects, has three omni-wheels (for excellent turning radius), adjustable height to meet up with humans face, PrimeSense sensors, bumper sensors, laser rangefinders, and scanning acoustic sensors. A microphone and camera are automatically built in because of its main purpose of video telepresence. Its even more cool that iRobot has an app platform for AVA and this will allow developers to create new possibilities for the robot. For now the price remains unknown, but keep your fingers crossed because this bot may go on sale in just a few years! Thanks for reading and check out this bot in action in the video below!

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