Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New website and projects

Welcome to the updated, new-for-2011 Nerd Club website!
We've learned from the old site and we're now using the excellent Blogger platform not only for our content, but for images and videos too. We had lots of interest on the old blog site, but when our own server went down, it took all the photos posted on there with it - so lots of posts didn't make much sense without illustrations to explain what was going on!

This new site is an improvement on the old: we're still going to be making cool stuff and writing about it here (including schematics and source code where appropriate) but we've also included links to a video website and even a shop, where you can buy kits of all your favourite geeky gadgets.

Things may be a little slow during these early weeks, as we spend time getting familiar with the hosting platform again, and getting things like the shopping cart integrated with the rest of the site, but don't worry - we'll soon be spouting off about all kinds of nerdy stuff on a regular basis!

In the meantime, here are some links to a couple of other blogs which ramble on about some of the other projects we're involved in:

Ben's Crazy Cube Reader Project
Homebrew Digital Drum Kit
All the latest goings on at BuildBrighton

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