Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Meet FRIDA, Tomorrows Robotic Factory Worker

This headless, two armed, dexterous robot may become tomorrows assembly line worker. FRIDA is the robot that has been created by a Swiss company called ABB. Created especially for the assembly line, the robot has the ability to use its pair of dexterous arms to grasp and move electronic gizmos and components. For now the bot is just a concept that ABB designed to show off to people as a new kind of industrial robot, rather than the average car welding robots. This FRIDA robot looks pretty revolutionary when you compare it to the other big and bulky industrial robots that work on the assembly line, and with its new technology and innovations it may just be our next factory worker. Thanks for reading, and how do you think these kinds of robots could impact the modern day industry. Feel free to answer the question below in the comment section!

-original source: http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/industrial-robots/abb-factory-robot-frida

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