Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Oshonsoft v Sourceboost

Well, it's a sad day at Nerd Towers, as we've had to wave goodbye to our favourite PIC compiler, Oshonsoft's PIC18 Simulator - for the next few projects at least.

It's a great compiler, the best simulator bar none, makes USB/HID coding a doddle, but - sadly - it's lack of support means we've started to outgrow it. The number of chips supported is starting to look a little thin, now we've discovered these great little PICs - 16F1825

The thing is, to use some of the newer Microchips, we're going to have to use a different compiler. MPLAB (even version X) is still a mess and difficult to use (not to mention sloooow) so we've been looking at alternatives. Jason from BuildBrighton suggested SourceBoost which, at �60 for a full licence, looks pretty good value.

Now here's the dilemma:
Stick with a BASIC-based compiler for USB/HID and switch between languages/compilers for other stuff, or slowly upgrade everything to a C-based compiler/language and leave Oshonsoft behind for good?

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