Friday, August 19, 2011

Revised Sun Tracker Sensor

In the last version of sun tracker sensor, The cross was erroneously mounted with 45 degree offset with LEDs. Also the diameter of the cross was almost equal to the diameter of LEDs, which is not correct as the shadow of the cross will not cover the complete LED.For highest resolution, i can keep both the Cross and the pipe at the same height as i have done in my old version of sensor, but in this case the motors won't halt at any time and oscillate between forward and backward.
So to avoid frequent forward and backward motion and to conserve electricity to drive the motors i set a rule of thumbs "The Height of the cross should be 30% more than the height of the pipe" and "The diameter of the cross should be more than twice the diameter of LED".
This will be cater for in this revised version.

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