Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Robot uses air to Stick to almost any Surface

Most robots today are built for land, however the ones that can climb mainly use magnets. On the other hand, this new robot uses jets of air to create suction and stick to almost anything. The way it works is quite simple, the robot uses the priciple of Bernoulli. This principle states that when a liquid moves faster, it decreases the pressure. For this robot, air acts as the fluid, and when it releases air out from the sides, a vacuum starts to be made. The vacuum is actually strong enough to grab objects without the gripper touching the object at all. A university in New Zealand has created a supersonic Bernoulli gripper that is much stronger that a regular one. This allows the robot to stick to vertical surfaces and climb in any direction. You can see the robot in action in the video below. Thanks for reading and please comment!

-original source: http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/industrial-robots/robot-uses-supersonic-jets-of-air-to-stick-to-almost-anything

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