Sunday, May 15, 2011

Loads of servos!

Just a quick post showing the latest version of the USB servo controller board, driving six independent servos at a time (it was going to be eight, as we'd originally ordered six servos off eBay to go with the two we've been testing with. They finally arrived yesteryday, but two of them don't seem to work properly - the servos chatter and sound terrible, whatever position they're moved to - so we've left them off the video.)
But as a proof-of-concept, it works pretty well:

The two (older) servos on the right seem to move in the opposite direction to the smaller, newer 9g ones. Maybe because they're by different manufacturers? Or maybe they're meant to be mounted the other way around - who knows??

For anyone interested, here's the full script of the animation being played out:

label 900,1
servo 1000,8,150
servo 1000,9,150
servo 1000,10,150
servo 1000,11,150
servo 1000,12,150
servo 1000,13,150

servo 2000,8,60
servo 2000,9,200
servo 2000,10,60
servo 2000,11,200
servo 2000,12,60
servo 2000,13,200

servo 3000,8,150
servo 3000,9,150
servo 3000,10,150
servo 3000,11,150
servo 3000,12,150
servo 3000,13,150

servo 4000,8,60
servo 4000,9,60
servo 4000,10,60
servo 4000,11,60
servo 4000,12,60
servo 4000,13,60

servo 5000,8,200
servo 5000,9,200
servo 5000,10,200
servo 5000,11,200
servo 5000,12,200
servo 5000,13,200

servo 6000,8,150
servo 6000,9,150
servo 6000,10,150
servo 6000,11,150
servo 6000,12,150
servo 6000,13,150

servo 7500,8,60
servo 7000,9,60
servo 7100,10,60
servo 7200,11,60
servo 7300,12,60
servo 7400,13,60

servo 8000,13,150
servo 8100,12,150
servo 8200,11,150
servo 8300,10,150
servo 8400,9,150
servo 8500,8,150

tloop 8600,1 'goto label 1
end 15000

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