Sunday, May 8, 2011

"Bilibot" a cool robot that looks like a Coca-Cola
This year's latest robot platform, the Bilibot, invades the whole world because you can now order it online! It first started on MIT by experimenting on the new kinect sensors,Kinect may sound cool, but it's applications are way cooler, even roboticist replaced they're $5000 sensors with a $150 kinect! So what's the point about Bilibot? Bilibot is designed for robotics hobbyist,it means that it can be hacked and program, it even have it's own robotic arm. Bilibot consist of:
* a powerful computer
* an iRobot create
* a Kinect sensor
* mounting hardware to put it all together
* the ROS Robotic Operating system
So, what's with the Coca-Cola looks?

special thanks to: Keith Ferrer

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