Sunday, January 15, 2012

Samsung Galaxy ACE S5830 review

Although initially very impressed with the HTC Wildfire S, after trying the Samsung Galaxy S2 II, there's no comparison between the phones. I'd love my own Galaxy S2 (the phones I have are on trial while I perform some RnD for software development) but I can't justify the price to myself.

Somewhere between the two - and available from for about �6/month (after cashback) with unlimited data - is the Samsung ACE S5830.

This is like the little brother to the S2. In most respects, when comparing the hardware against the WildfireS and the S2, it sits somewhere between the two. The screen/display is bigger than the HTC but smaller than the S2. This means the images are as clear (or clearer) than the HTC, but nowhere near as bright and vibrant  as the S2. It has a faster processor than the Wildfire (but not as fast the S2).
The actual handset is quite slim - although it weighs about the same as the HTC, because of the larger unit size, it actually feels lighter (if that makes sense?). All-in-all, this handset is a nice compromise between the lower (budget) end of the market and the all-singing-all-dancing- top-end (the Galaxy S2).

In fact, we may be seeing a bit more of this unit, since a few Nerd Club members have already expressed an interest in taking up the offer for a free handset with 300 minutes, 300 texts and unlimited data every month for about �6 (after claiming cashback). Not a bad handset. And not a bad contact offer either!

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