Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Building The Solsylva CNC Machine Video Part 1

Click the YouTube Button For Bigger Video

  After spending the last couple of days gathering emails, drawings, notes, tools, parts and my video camera I started building another Solsylva CNC machine.  The video posted here will hopefully be one of the first of many videos that will step you through the process of putting one of these wonderful machines together designed by David Steele. 
   A lot of what is on this blog already is because of this machine.  Check out the video and follow along in the coming weeks and hopefully I will give you a good idea of how to put one of these together for your shop.  I will not give you all the particulars concerning this design as you will have to buy a set of plans from David Steele from his website. http://solsylva.com/   It will be the best money you ever spent for a tool that you will love to build and make things with.  I'm a big fan for sure.

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