Sunday, January 15, 2012

Building The Solsylva CNC Machine....... Again

 This past Saturday I was once again in Davenport Iowa for a group meeting at the QC Co-Lab maker space. As usual I enjoy rubbing elbows with the guys  and ladies at the Co-Lab and compare notes, projects, and ideas that everyone has.  It has been finally decided to start the build of another Solsylva CNC machine for the Co-Lab and I am to be the driving force behind this project. This is all well and good as having built the same machine for The Tinker's Workshop I am considered the expert in our little group at the Co-Lab.  
  I spent all day today going over old emails and notes to figure out where I ordered all the intricate obscure miscellaneous parts that will go into the machine that you can't buy at your local hardware store.  Luckily so far this has been the least of my worries about this project.  I will build the more intricate parts of the machine in my little workshop and then haul them down to Davenport to do the final build.  The guys at the Co-Lab will do the major construction, painting and electronics.  With my guidance of course.  Then we'll get it up and running, dial it in, and start making more interesting stuff at the Co-Lab.
  My plan is to document the build here on my blog to give you a good idea as to what it will take to put this wonderful machine together. I have a lot of photos of my first build and so as I progress with this build I will lay out what needs to be done step by step.  I do not plan on giving away the plans or the detailed information that is in them as I did not design this CNC machine and do not have the right to give this information out freely.  It was the ingenious work of a gentleman by the name of David Steele.  I do not wish to take away anything from Mr. Steele so you will have to check out his website for information on how to get your own set of plans for his design. 
   I think with the information I plan on passing along to you in the coming weeks will better show you what it takes to put his wonderful machine together.  After having already built this design once before I can tell you that it will take some work but it is far from difficult.   I give a gold star to David Steele for the information that he lays out in his plans that makes it all doable by anyone that is just a little bit mechanically inclined.  I also can give everyone some ideas that I have come up with to make his design a little easier to build and use.  If you like my ideas then go ahead and use them.  If not build the machine the way David Steele designed it.  That's up to you. No biggie.
  So check back here over the coming weeks and you'll see the process that I will lay out for you to build your own Solsylva CNC machine.

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