Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ipad Stand Version # 2 and The CNC Machine Enclosure Update

As usual here at the Tinker's Workshop I am constantly working on something new or updating something that I've already designed.  This is the case for this week.  My sister Ginnie had seen my Ipad stand that I had printed on my Makerbot 3D printer and liked it so much she wanted one for herself.   I being the kind brother that I am said sure but could not resist the temptation to tweak the design a bit more.  So in doing so I came up with version # 2 of the Ipad stand.

This new design is still small, light weight, and inexpensive to print on my 3D printer but now also has the capability to hold the Ipad in two position instead of just one.  

The first position for the IPad like the first stand is a more upright angle for better viewing while watching a movie or video conferencing.  

This second angle lays the Ipad down at a lower angle which is nicer to type on. A much better angle than what you can get with an Ipad cover that is folded around the back of the tablet.  That angle I have always thought to be a bit to shallow for my taste when it comes to trying to type on the tablet. 

The new stand as I've said is light weight.  Very light at only 3.1 ounces.  It can be taken apart easily if the need calls for it and if one of the parts should break another replacement part can be printed and it ready to go once again.  It measures 5" x 5" and 2.5" tall. My sister already has plans for the stand on how she will use it at her home. 

The CNC Machine Enclosure Update

For those of you that have been waiting for the build of the CNC machine enclosure that I posted a week or better ago do not fear.  I have been cranking out drawings of all the parts for the enclosure and refining the design during the process.  Once I get all the drawings completed I plan on starting the build and shooting video of the process to be posted here.  With the warmer spring time weather we are finally receiving here in the Midwest it is much easier to gather supplies for this project and not have to trudge through snow and cold to do so.  (Can you tell I'm not a big fan of winter?)  
  Anyway I have not abandoned the project but have been putting in a lot of computer time setting up for the build and plans for the enclosure that will be available for sale here once I am happy with everything that needs to be done to prep for the project.  So stay tuned as I will post updates on this and other projects in the works just as soon as possible. It all takes time and I have more projects that no one has even seen yet to work on.  No matter what it is all good.

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