Sunday, March 10, 2013

Japan to launch their own robot into space by this summer!

Currently, Opportunity and Curiosity are roaming the surface of Mars, and they're the only robots in space. That all ends, however, this summer. According to Dentsu inc. a robot named Kirobo will be sent to the ISS (international space station) to communicate with humans. Dentsu has also stated on their site that the launch will occur this summer, and the robot will be onboard this fall. Now the robot itself has some pretty nifty features built in. For example, it can understand Japanese speech, withstand zero-g environments, and even recognize faces. Aside from all its special features, Kirobo is a robot based of a consumer kit called Ribo. It has also been designed from the same person who developed Evolta ( a robot that completed a triathlon). Kirobo, however, has just been upgraded to be capable of space travel. Thanks for reading and check out the video above!

source: the video listed above

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