Friday, February 1, 2013

My approach to Parabolic Solar Concentrator

Recently purchased a small satellite dish for making a parabolic solar concentrator. The idea was to take a feel of the heat it will generate.

I pasted 1 inch square mirror pieces with resin on the dish. It took more than 03 hours to mount hundreds of them. In the morning i just brought it into sun and viola in 03 seconds it started smoldering wood and other plastic things. It was a good start:

Some more experiment and temperature monitoring yet to be done. I shall check the maximum temperature attain on the focal point and will expand this topic here.

The initial results are very promising so far.  I am surprised the abundant heat generation with this method. I am seriously thinking of using this heat.

I have an idea to make a bigger custom parabolic structure and mount flat mirrors on it.Installation of two axes sun-tracking and mounting a small boiler at the focal point. Use the generated steam to run small turbine to generate electricity.

Oh really.. should i have to design the steam turbine and fabricate it? How much steam it shall require to generate atleast 500watts of electricity from the generator? How big the parabolic concentrator to give me continuous steam for running turbine?

Can i avoid generating electricity by using steam turbine? any other way to make electricity ?

May be we able to make some simple system to harness this heat..  Thermodynamics is all about the temperature difference ;)

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