Sunday, February 10, 2013

Back to The WindMill

I am currently playing with three projects:
   1- WindMill   (90% completed)
   2- Solar Concentrator  (95% completed)
   3- Dual Axes Solar Tracking System (99% completed)

WindMill project needs more attention for long time. Yesterday did some more work. The Generator was assembled on the structure. today made Steel plate for holding the blades. As the blades are made out of 10mm thick PVC pipe. To attach the blade on the plate i need to add a wooden fixture between the blade and steel plate. This wooden structure should have flat at bottom and profiled at top. The Flat bottom shall rest on the steel plate whereas the blade will fixed on profile of wooden fixture.
I scanned a portion of PVC blade to get the profile vector of it and then made the 3D model for CNC machining.
You can see a piece of PVC blade perfectly fit on the CNC machined fixture.
I hope in few days i will start wiring of the windmill.

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