Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Top 10 Best Robots of 2012 (with video)

Looking back on the year of 2012 reminds me of some pretty awesome robots. Thats why I have compiled a list that features ten of the best robots from 2012. Thanks for supporting SimpleBotics, and I hope you enjoy the list below!

1. Karatus

  • An fully-functional mech-robot
  • Allows a person to pilot it via cockpit
  • 13 feet tall

2. LS3
  • Can carry a payload of 400 lb
  • Capable of following soldiers even through rough terrain
  • Has well-designed legs that enable to walk on rough surfaces

    3. Cheetah Robot
    • Can run nearly 30 miles an hour (28.3 mph)
    • Created by Boston Dynamics

    4. Romo from Romotive

    • Developed from the new start-up, Romotive
    • Can be controlled via iOS device
    • Has "emotions"

    5. Baxter
    • Can show expressions through its "face"
    • Low-cost
    • 7-degrees of freedom per arm

    6. Nano-quadrotor swarm
    • Can maneuver around each other to create shapes
    • Small in size
    • Sounds like a swarm of bees

    7. CHARLI
    • Can play soccer
    • Can perform Gangnam Style
    • Developed by RoMeLa

    8. Mint Plus
    • Utilizes advanced navigation systems
    • Can sweep edges
    • Is compatible with micro-fiber cloth pads

    9. Disney Humanoid Robot
    • Can juggle 
    • Is able to catch and throw a ball
    • Made by Disney

    10. Rock-Paper-Scissors Robot
    • 100% winning rate
    • Uses a high-speed camera
    • Can predict movements of its opponents

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