Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Place For Everything And Everything In Its Place

Yesterday I completed installation of the large pegboard assembly in the new Tinker's Workshop.  This work was simple enough to do but would have been easier if I had another pair of hands to hold parts in place while I was mounting them on the wall.  The first three pieces were nothing more than  six foot long 1 x 2's that were mounted horizontally and leveled on to the wall with wood screws making sure that they were spaced correctly for the three 2 x 4 foot pegboard panels.  Once these pieces had been installed correctly all I needed to do was mount the three pegboard panels again with screws making sure they were lined up with the three 1 x 2's.  This is how it all turned out. 

Looks like a display for a store with this photo.  I like the fact that I have a nice place to hold all the clamps that I use in the shop along with various other tools that are needed when I want them.  Notice also the new phone mounted to the left of the pegboard.  Something I did not have in the old shop.  Saves me having to run upstairs to answer the phone when it rings at always the wrong time.

This photo gives you a good view of most of the shop and the new 4 x 6 foot pegboard adds the convenience of having the tools at the ready when I need them.  Also this large pegboard makes good use of the new wall that was just installed in the workshop.  Along with this pegboard is and additional 2 x 4 foot pegboard mounted on the workbench.  This gives me a total of 32 square feet of pegboard to mount tools on.  It all means I'll just have more room for the tools I have been dreaming about and now have a proper place to store them when I can afford to buy them.  My dream shop is coming together. 

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