Sunday, December 23, 2012

Homemade PCB for a new robot

After messing around with a lot of wires in my projects, I decided to make my own PCB. For this PCB forging method, I used ferric chloride (Iron(III) Chloride) and an ordinary permanent marker. I first cut the copper clad into a small shape. After that, I drew on the design and then placed it into the etching solution. Roughly 20 minutes later, the PCB was ready! The only thing left to do was dispose of the Copper Chloride (because it had copper in it) . To dispose of the acid, I poured baking soda (a base) into a bucket with the acid. It then reacted to form a safe byproduct that can be placed in a bag and tossed away. Thanks for reading and more updates will be posted soon! Merry Christmas!

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