Sunday, April 1, 2012

Solsylva CNC Machine Improvement Drawings

  I was doing some clean-up on my computer this morning and came across some drawings I had put together of the improvements that I had made to the Solylva CNC machine that is in the shop and that I have been working on at the QC Co-Lab maker space in Davenport Iowa.  These modifications that I had made to the machine allow for a usable "T" slot table and a stand for the machine that is simpler to construct.  Here are the detailed drawings of the individual parts and assemblies for anyone that would like them. 


  If you have not seen the videos that I have shot of the Solylva CNC machine build in Davenport please check them out in earlier posts on this blog.  It will show you these parts being built and how the assemblies are put together.  Lots of good info if you are interested in these modifications or just how to put a Solylva CNC machine together.  I hope you will consider using the designs in your build of a Solsylva CNC machine. I know I will update the CNC in my shop with these mods once the weather here in the Midwest gives me a good stretch of weather to do painting outside. Enjoy the drawings.

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