Tuesday, April 17, 2012

New "Robo-Cops" in Korea will help guard prisons

We've all dreamed of it, and yes I mean robots doing our work. Well, at least some work. As a result of this, Korean robots will be guarding curtain prisons in South Korea next spring. There job will obviously be to patrol the area and be sure that no prisoners escape. However that's not all they will be doing according to BBC news. With with a range of cameras and sensors, these bots will be able to detect inmate violence an conflict. There are also five feet tall and have four wheels that help them get around with ease. This is to ensure that no one, in any way, will sneak past the "robo-cops." I don't think that's the official name, by that's what I call them. Thanks for reading be sure to check out, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-15893772 for more info.

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