Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Uncanny Valley Research

Some robots are cute, sophisticated, ugly, or even scary looking. Now I'm not going to go in depth about cute or ugly robots. I'm here to talk about the scary ones, or perhaps the ones that make you feel uncomfortable. You may know what I'm talking about if you have seen the robots in the movie, "I-Robot." If you have then you know those robots have human like faces. Now pretend your in a room and your standing near one of those robots, and your looking at them face to face. How would you feel; would you feel uncomfortable because the robot is not human, but it really does looks like one. Don't worry if you get freaked out; your one of many humans that find human like robots creepy and scary. Anyways, in my research I have made a video and in that video I have chosen six robots. Some look like cute little harmless creatures and some don't. In the video I have told YouTube users to comment on the video (or this post), and choose the robot's number and then add a few adjectives that describe the robot. For example, robot number one is nice looking. Once I have all the data I need I will then average up the words people used to describe the robots. Thanks for reading and if you would like to contribute to my research then please watch my video above and comment below by telling me a descriptive word about one of the robots.

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