Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Meet Romibo, the Cutest Little Robot

If your having stress or your down in the blues, then maybe this little guy can help. Meet Romibo, he's a little red robotic fur ball with a big personality. Romibo is developed by Origami Robotics and with the help of, wait for it... Carnegie Melon. One of the main goals for this robot are to aid children with ASD, or autism spectrum disorders. Origami robotics also wants to distribute these robots at a reasonable price, and this means this robot will be for the everyday consumer that doesn't want to burn a hole in their wallet. It uses a range of sensors and gizmos to give off an appealing look and feel. The beta kits for these robots are expected to be ready for sale this year.Thanks for reading and be sure to stay updated if your interested in purchasing one and check out their website at romibo.org

Source: http://www.romibo.org

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