Friday, December 30, 2011

That's it for another year....

Plenty going on over the Xmas period but sadly not a lot of time to post about it, so look out for some updates in the New Year. Most excitingly, we've got a working version of an electronic Blood Bowl board game (well, one that you can download player data onto and it recognises which player you're moving, and can even perform some basic game mechanics).

We've also had quite a bit of interest in the microband miniature instruments so we're hoping to ramp up development on those in the new year too.

But all in all, over Xmas, we've eaten too much, made too little and blogged even less.
It's off to the other side of the country tomorrow for a New Year party so don't expect much for the next few days. In the meantime, have a great weekend, and a Happy New Year!

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