Tuesday, November 29, 2011

An Ipad App We All Wish We Could Have

  As most of you already know if you have been following my blog I am into a lot of different projects.  One of these I have been playing around with again today is Blender 3D.  Blender is a powerful 3D modeling and animation software which I have used to created concept 3D computer models of ideas that I have in my head for future projects or just for the fun of creating an interesting 3D computer generated image or CGI for short.  Today I got a wild idea after shooting a sample video of my Makerbot Semi that I have been creating using a Makerbot 3D printer.  What most people do not realize is that Blender 3D has a built in video sequence editor that is very powerful for creating CGI for movies.  Blender can take a normal video and change it to do something more than just adding titles or background music.  
  I am still learning this portion of Blender as I am always learning new things with the projects that I play with and so today I put together this little video.  I thought I would post it here just to possibly give you a laugh and maybe make you smile.  That and the fact that my video can show you what can be done using just a little imagination and some help from Blender 3D.  Also there is no one that wants this Ipad app more than me.  

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