Thursday, March 10, 2011

New PaPeRo Aims to Help Elderly

Back in late 2010 the company NEC gave there new PaPeRo robots to some Japanese elders to test if it impacted their daily lives. Each citizen got their own PaPeRo that fit into their daily lives by matching to their interests and hobby's, and the the robot connected to a wireless network updating the citizen on the latest activity. This robot was very well admired by the group of elderly and the test showed that the citizens connected more to the open society rather than staying at home. This just shows that robots with the right looks, tech, and capabilities can impact someones daily life and that society may be getting closer to living alongside robots. If you have any comments on robots living among humans then feel free to comment below, and remember well appreciate it if you do. Special thanks to for the orginal information source!

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