Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Modular Robotics Cubelets

A new way to build robots is among us today, with the new Modular Robotics' Cubelets. Cubelets let you design and build your very own robot that moves about using motors built in to some of the cubes that come in the kit, and they react to temperature, light, proximity using a variety of sensors that are included in the kit. The Cubelets move about quite life likely too. Cubelets also require no programming and they consist of tiny strong magnets that let them snap together and once they are snapped together they're on the move, of course with the help of the motors. The kit includes 20 individual Cubelets overall, and five action blocks which include two drive, one rotate, one speaker, one light, and one bar graph action blocks. The sensor blocks which include one knob, one brightness, two distance, and one temperature sensor blocks. The rest of the blocks are the think/utility blocks which include two inverse, one minimum, one maximum, one battery, two passive, and two blocker think/utility blocks. The whole Cubelets kit sells for a retail price of $299.99 USD, but for now they're all unfortunately sold out. Thanks for reading and what do you think robots like these will become later in the future. Just post your answer in the comment section below!

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