Friday, May 4, 2012, a site dedicated to telepresence robots

We�re excited to guest post today � thank you, Morgan! Be sure to check out Morgan�s guest post on our blog:

We�re a brand new company aiming to serve as an information source for telepresence robots. Our website,, launched last month. We provide a platform for registered users to rate and review telepresence robots, a forum for users to discuss the robots, a comparison chart for users to view product specifications, and a blog for users to receive the latest industry news.

Telepresence robots are becoming more widely used in offices, hospitals, and schools. Companies use them to attend meetings or conferences and to travel to facilities that are difficult to reach. Watch Google co-founder Sergey Brin use Willow Garage�s Texai robot here! Boston Children�s Hospital has started sending VGo telepresence robots home with post-op patients. Doctors and nurses use the robots to monitor patients at home while they recover. Some professors at universities even use telepresence robots to teach classes, but that�s not the only way they�re being used at schools. Disabled students find the robots useful as well. A student in Knox City, Texas uses a VGo robot to attend his classes and continue his education because he is too unhealthy to physically attend school.

Purchasing these robots, though, can be a tough decision. They�re expensive, so prospective buyers want to make sure they�re making the right purchase. With all of the different robots out there, it can get overwhelming and confusing to decide on one. We hope to alleviate some of that stress. Buy reading the reviews and using other features on our site, businesses, hospitals, and schools can decide which robot best fits their specific needs.

Right now, our site features the MantaroBot TeleMe, Anybots QB Robot, PeopleBot P3-DX, and MantaroBot Classic. If you want to contribute a review to our site, click here!

If you want more information on telepresence robots, follow us on twitter @telerobotic to receive industry news and updates. Check back on our site, , for new blog posts, forum discussions, and reviews.

Thank you, Morgan, for hosting us!

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