Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New robot can juggle two balls in mid air

It's been a while since a new high speed robotic arm has been introduced. However, now there's one that can juggle. Developed by Takahiro Kizaki and Akio Namiki in Japan, this bot is capable of juggling two balls at a reasonable speed (remember that this is a robot, not a clown). The robotic arm is equipped with high speed cameras, a clever arm design, and dexterous fingers. The cameras track the ball movement and then send data to the arm and fingers so the bot can catch the ball and throw it up again into the air. The last time I saw a robot like this, it was flipping a pen or bouncing a ball. Although those were interesting, it seems that this is a little by more advanced. Thanks for reading and check out the video above to see it juggle!

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