Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cute little robot uses only one motor to jump

 Its a pretty big challenge to make a robot jump using several motors, but wait until you see this robot. This jumping robot gets its inspiration from a locust. However, the bot's jumping mechanism is based off the legs of a frog, and this is how it jumps really high for its tiny size. The robot works by having a tiny pager motor that pulls its body down and then the springs get charged up. The motor then releases the potential energy into kinetic energy then the robot jumps up into the air. A weighted roll cage aides the robot to its upright position after it has fallen down. Then a second motor makes the robot capable of changing its direction. This system allows the robot to jump quite easily. You can see the robot jumping in mid-air in the video below, and thanks for reading!

-original source: http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/diy/brilliant-little-jumping-robot-only-needs-one-motor

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