Friday, February 18, 2011

new humming bird drone gets airbourne

A robot hummingbird demonstrates precision hovering and independent. The two-wing, flapping aircraft carries its own energy source, and uses only the flapping wings for propulsion and control.

 Engineers at AeroVironmen have constructed a new robot drone, with the help of DARPA. This robot mimicks the movements of a hummingbird and it is able to fly backwards, forwards, and rotate clockwise/counterclockwise. Although it is slightly larger than a real hummingbird it looks pretty impressive when its flying. The "bird" is equiped with a micro-sized spy camera and it can sneak up on its subject without alerting him or her because it mimicks a bird and not a big UAV. This is only the beginning of spy drone technology, and maybe in the future we could have spy gnats or flys. Thanks for reading and what do you think would be a good drone? For your ideas, comment below!

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