Saturday, February 10, 2007

Object dimensioning as easy as scanning barcodes!

Datalogic's VS8000 is a device for object volume measurement representing a valid alternative to traditional automatic measurement systems for materials handling applications.

With Datalogic's VS8000 Dimensioning systems are becomingmore and more popular among parcel carriers and postal servicesaround the world. Goods are becoming lighter, and containers andtrucks are more often full before becoming too heavy. Volume, notweight is increasingly becoming the limiting factor.

The same istrue for warehouses where capacity is given in volume andconveyor systems are more often limited by volume rather than byweight.

In this scenario, traditional weight-based tariff systemsare no longer appropriate and carriers and postal services areincreasingly adopting volume based price tariffs.

Whereverparcels in different sizes, shapes and weight are collected,transported, stored and distributed, cost-effectiveness dependson achieving the optimal utilisation of the available space forwarehousing and of equipment for transportation.

Accuratelyestablishing the size of the various packages is always thebiggest bottleneck in parcel handling.

Datalogic's solutionis the VS8000 - a device for object volume measurementrepresenting a valid alternative to traditional automaticmeasurement systems for materials handling applications.

Based onthe mechanical and optical architecture of Datalogic'sDS8100 laser scanner, the VS8000 scans at speeds of up to 2000scans per second and covers a standard measurement area of 800mmx 800mm, providing an extremely fast and reliable dimensions andvolume estimation of objects moving along the conveyor.

The veryhigh scan speed and real time processing features allow beltspeeds of up to 5 metres per second, enabling the gap betweenparcels to be reduced to only 50mm.

The VS8000 can be rapidlyintegrated in omni-directional reading stations, with nomodifications to existing structures.

Set-up is fast and easywith the intuitive Monitor Configuration Program.

With theVS8000, Datalogic offers an excellent alternative to existingdimensioning systems.

The VS8000 is more cost-effective andeasier to use and install than traditional measurement systemsand, above all, makes new process automation and optimisationcapabilities available to all materials handling operators.

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