Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Dealing With Electrical Problems

As any veteran do-it-yourselfer knows, there are lot of mistakes made before you can call yourself an expert on anything. We all have experiences of home improvement projects that proved to be anything but an improvement. Usually these kind of mistakes just make us laugh and learn. But there are some home projects that cannot be done wrong because they are too dangerous to have a mistake with. Electrical repairs fall within this category. But if you follow these steps, you can make sure you keep yourself and your family safe when you do an electrical repair. Before you even take any of these steps, however, find out if your local community requires you to have a permit in order to do any electrical work. But these laws are different in each state, and even in each municipality, so check first.

The first thing you should do before you work on electricity is to turn the electric power off at the source. This must be done at the circuit breaker, since just turning off a wall switch will still leave you with hot wires.

Make sure the electric is off by using a voltage meter. After you have turned the electricity off at the circuit breaker, test the wire in the room you are working in and make sure nothing registers. Keep the power off until you have completed the job. You should not touch any of the electrical wires that bring electricity into the house. If you think there is something wrong With this service, make sure you contact your power company.

When you are working on electricity, never stand in water or even on a damp floor. Water conducts electricity, and it will go through you if it has to. If the floor is damp, put down a rubber mat.

Make sure you know what materials you are working with. In general, you have to be careful of metal, but rubber is safe. Since metal conducts electricity, do not touch metal at the same time you are touching a live wire, because you will become the conductant.

Since rubber is a nonconductive material, it will insulate you. So you should use tools with rubber or plastic handles, and wear rubber soled shoes or sneakers. While we are on the subject of what to wear, you should also wear safety goggles and gloves.

Now that you have completed the repair, flip the circuit breaker back on to turn on the power. Use you voltage meter once again to see if there is power, and there is the right amount of voltage. Smaller items such as lights, a receptacle or a small appliance will need 120 volts. Big appliances (air conditioners, ovens, etc.) will require 240 volts. There are some appliances that need such small voltage, such as doorbells or telephones that they will have a transformer to convert the power to a smaller voltage.

If you want to make sure you know what you are doing before you start an electrical repair job, you may consider taking advantage of the clinics or workshops that many do-it-yourself centers offer. You will learn a lot and feel more confident when you tackle the next job. If you don't feel that you know what you are doing, don't take a chance: call an expert electrician to do this kind of work. There are plenty of other jobs you can do, such as painting, hanging shelves, or trimming branches. Just ask your wife. She probably has a "honey do" list as well as cnc routers and used cnc electronics all ready and waiting for you.

Inexpensive PCs as CNC Machine Controllers

There are two main groups that can take advantage of today�s low cost PCs as an effective and inexpensive CNC controller.

� Retrofits to existing CNC machines with outdated or proprietary controls in need of service.

� Shop built and home built CNC machines.

Inexpensive PCs can cost as little as $150.00 and yet provide a dependable and effective CNC machine controller. Some sources to consider for obtaining such a system are and is an outlet for Fry�s electronics. They have one PC on sale ranging from $150.00 to $199.00. Several have successfully used this PC in conjunction with MACH2 CNC controller software.

Tradeoffs: Price vs. Quality. With the lowest cost PCs there a tradeoff in performance, quality, and reliability. The manufacturers of these machines use low cost hardware in their manufacture and they make compromises in the design of the systems to keep their costs down. Inexpensive hardware translates directly to a higher failure rate and more difficult to obtain manufacturer support. This can be a deciding factor by itself if you rely on this machine for production.

Design compromises which are common in low cost PC have an impact on performance. The primary concerns are: insufficient memory, the use of shared memory, and on-board graphics devices. The primary hardware requirements for a PC based CNC controller are sufficient memory, and sufficient processor speed. You can see that the compromises present in these systems are in direct opposition to the requirements for CNC controller.

At the bottom end of the Inexpensive PC market there are off the self solutions that will function well as a PC based CNC controller. As with all things, you tend to get what you pay for, so the buyer is advised to be aware of the requirements and limitations that are in play.

Part II in this series of articles will examine an alternative to buying an off the shelf solution and explore building a PC to meet your specifications.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Timely Investments - Brief Article

On the surface, the recent slowdown in manufacturing activity might be viewed as a justification for delaying capital investments. But a cooler economy presents some valuable opportunities for machine shop managers to prepare for better times to come. When a shop is operating near its maximum capacity, it's difficult for managers to think about cultivating new business or buying equipment. But a decline in one industrial sector may coincide with increased activity in another. Thus, pursuing a new direction is often beneficial for a company's long-term development, and shifting gears may require equipment upgrades.
Arelated opportunity in a cool economy is the reduced cost of financing. As the Federal Reserve Board continues to cut short-term interest rates to stimulate consumer spending, loans for metalworking equipment (typically amortized over 5-7 years) have become substantially more attractive. As a result, it's a propitious time for businesses to finance or refinance capital equipment. This situation enhances the resources of borrowers and creates additional options for obtaining the equipment necessary to keep pace with current technology. Furthermore, astute managers understand that seeds planted in difficult market conditions can represent the distinction between tomorrow's winners and losers.

Tooling Triad - CPC Tooling Technologies - Company Profile

To build exceptionally effective extrusion dies, this shop brings together strengths in three key areas: CNC machining, EDMing and tool room operations.

Unless you are in the middle of a forest, it's hard to look around and not see something made of extruded plastic--the siding on a house, the trim on a car, the frame of a window sash. And even if you are in the middle of a forest, the trees you see are the source of a key ingredient in many of the most advanced and complex extruded products--wood. Wood fiber and wood flours are blended with plastic resin and extruded to make a wide variety of products such as deck planking, hand rails and architectural trim. To add to the growing use of plastic extrusions, emerging techniques allow materials to be extruded as foam and encapsulated in an outer layer that is rigid and weather resistant. Shapes with hollow cross sections in complex configurations are also possible.
CPC Tooling's strategy for meeting this challenge is based on a simple concept. The company must be able to build tooling not only for customers pioneering new applications, but also for customers whose conventional applications require faster running, longer wearing, more flexible and economical tooling. In-line tooling that turns extrusions into finished pieces ready for shipping is one of the shop's specialties.

All For One, One For All

"Designing and building extrusion dies is as much an art as it is science," declares Bob White, tooling manager at CPC Tooling. Mr. White, who has overall responsibility for the production of extrusion dies and related hardware for forming and cooling extrusions, explains: "You have to understand how material behaves as it undergoes the extrusion process and then use that knowledge to design a die and the tooling that goes with it. And you have to understand all of the machining processes that enable you to build that tooling."

At CPC Tooling, those machining processes are available in three key areas, each located in its own facility within the sprawling Crane Plastics plant in Columbus, Ohio. Each one of those areas must be efficient and productive. Each must leverage the capabilities of the other two areas. Each must keep up with current techniques and equipment.

The CNC machining area is anchored by two vertical machining centers. These machines do the three-axis milling of complex die contours often referred to as coat hangers because of their distinctive spreading triangle shape, as well as two-axis milling of tool and die components.

The EDM (electrical discharge machining) area features one ram and six wire machines, whose ability to cut steep tapers in four axes is essential to the extrusion process, which converts material from a simple shape to a complex one. Wire cutting replaceable inserts, which greatly extend the life of a tooling system, is another critical job for this area.

A staff of skilled tool and die makers supplies all of the components that allow dies and other hardware to be assembled into a working system. Two toolroom areas equipped with precision mills, lathes and grinders provide the flexibility and expertise to build, troubleshoot and repair almost any die or tooling that comes their way.

"Every one of these areas is important," stresses Mr. White. "Each one is vital to our strategy. Yet each area requires its own management style and has its own technology needs," he says.

Capable And Productive

CNC machining has proven to be a key asset to CPC Tooling. CNC machining is both capable and productive. It is "capable" because it allows complex die contours to be machined in 3D. It is "productive" because it allows 2D work to be handled on a production basis, with pallet changers and shopfloor programming to keep the machine fully occupied.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Van-Am Tool & Engineering Celebrates 25th Anniversary

an-Am Tool & Engineering, St. Joseph, Missouri is proud to begin celebrating its 25 th Year of providing quality solutions to their customers' tooling, stamping, machining and manufacturing needs. An achievement not many can claim in today's tooling industry.

When discussing the company's 25 years; Ivan Russell, VanAm's president and co-founder stated, "Great employees and customers with good management are the main factors in our success. You just can't do this type of work without a good crew and we have very little employee turnover." Russell also noted that providing exceptional customer service and being diversified in the services offered and industries served is also important. Van-Am's specialized services include: design and build of progressive, transfer, louver, blank, form and draw dies (these can range from 6" x 6" up to 9' or longer); die maintenance and repair; production stamping and fabrication; general and custom machine work; CNC machining and wire EDM; design and build of jigs and fixtures; machine design, build and repair; custom fabrication and welding; robotic welding and plasma cutting; vibratory finishing; laser cutting and CNC press braking.

With the recent addition of several pieces of equipment, including a new Wire EDM, the company's equipment now includes: four wire EDM's; four vertical CNC machining centers; 13 milling machines; seven drill presses; five lathes; ten grinders including a 24" x 60" surface grinder; six saws; 16 punch presses (up to 600 ton); two robotic welders; three press brakes including a 220-ton 12'6-axis CNC press brake; two shears; a 1500-watt CNC laser cutting system; a 24 cubic foot vibratory finishing machine; and a host of supporting equipment.

The company operates in a modem 55,000-sq.-ft. facility with 36 employees. Their equipment and talented work force allows Van-Am to serve a wide range of industries including: agriculture, automotive, construction, electrical, fuel/oil, government, HVAC, pharmaceutical and transportation.

From Manual To CNC Mills: A Three-Phase Transition - V & G Dynamic Machine & Tool Inc

V & G Dynamic Machine & Tool, Inc. of Marble Falls, Texas, uses high-end VMCs and CNC mills and employs skilled machinists and CNC operators to support the development of new instrumentation and technology for the semiconductor industry.

When Volker Steffen founded V & G Dynamics in 1988, the company was doing mainly repair work using two manual mills. Mr. Steffen knew that if he had CNC there was the promise of longer runs and production of complex parts--giving access to new markets and increasing sales and profitability. But these benefits come with a cost in terms of capital, training and learning. Mr. Steffen was looking for a way to implement GNC gradually--a transition that took the characteristics of his shop and people into consideration. He discovered an opportunity at an open house held by his local dealer. "I was at an open house at a machine dealer one weekend, and I saw a manual mill with some sort of external motors mounted on the table," Mr. Steffen says. "The dealer showed me how the mill was doing CNC work by having the power feeds move the table, under the control of a PC. Best of all, I didn't have to start using a computer right away. I could just use the power feeds in the 'Teach Mode.' You move the table to a desired position, press 'set' on the pendant, move to the next position, press 'set' again, and so on. At the end of the sequence you press 'run,' and the machine plays back exactly the moves you told it to execute. It's that simple."

On seeing this, Mr. Steffen first began considering doing more than just manual mill work. V & G had grown to include a lot of small-volume (1 - 500 piece) production work, but Mr. Steffen was not at the point where he needed to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a single CNC. So in 1993, he decided to first retrofit one of his manual mills with the "intelligent power feeds"--a basic two-axis Servo II automated control system with the "Teach" pendant, made by Servo Products Company of Pasadena, California--which he mounted himself on a Summit manual mill with a Sargon digital readout. The cost of the retrofit was well within his reach, and the promise of increased production made the whole deal attractive. Within days, production was at levels he had never seen before, and both he and his machinists were using the "Teach Mode" feature without problems.

Such use of a basic retrofit package makes sense for shops where owners and operators don't have prior experience with CNCs. In the case of V & G, its manual mills had essentially become three different machines with one simple retrofit: one that still does manual work, one that uses the Teach Pendant and one that can perform CNC work (when connected to a dedicated PC). The DRO interface adds accuracy to the Acme lead screw by using the scale for positioning accuracy instead of the encoder on the motor, In addition, the DRO enhances the machinist's productivity.

With the Servo II control system used for the retrofit, one-of-a-kind or production run parts can be machined, and the table can be moved either using the pendant or handwheels. The "taught" programs are limited to straight line and angle cuts. The system cannot be taught to machine a circle. Subroutines can be called up, and program steps can be changed, added or inserted. It's easy to delete entire programs from pendant memory, or delete a subroutine call--which is useful when "programming" on the fly. An operator also can set, clear or drag axes travel limits (for example, reset limit beyond current position) and can playback a program held in the pendant's memory.

The Servo II control system can be made more productive by hooking up a PC, which simply can be used to transfer programs between the PC and the pendant; with Servo CNC software and a dedicated PC, the machine has full CNC capabilities. This comprises the second step in the gradual conversion to CNC machining. Programs "written" on the pendant can be transferred to the PC for storage and for re-use at a later time. The transferred pendant programs arc converted to common CNC codes. Conversely, programs can be written and edited on the PC and transferred later to the pendant, though only a limited set of CNC codes are available. This means two things: Operators can generate CNC code without knowing programming, and they can execute previously written CNC code without using the control (it's done via the pendant). Production goes up, and accuracy and repeatability improve. The absence of a steep learning curve makes training the operators brief and inexpensive.

V&G began by doing most of its CNC work using the conversational mode programming on the control. By going through a step-by-step process, the operator answers simple questions about the current job, and the control automatically develops a program, which is then seamlessly translated into G-code that can be used on any Servo CNC machine. Even if the operator makes a mistake in the programming, he or she can easily edit the specific line that needs correction

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Cole National Corporation

Once an optical retailer with nearly 3,000 outlets in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean, Cole National Corporation was acquired by Italy's Luxottica S.p.A. in 2004. Luxottica proceeded to fold Cole's operations into its North American Retail Group, and while Cole's holdings (such as Pearle Vision) continued to thrive, the Cole structure was dissolved. Over the course of its history, Cole National had dabbled in specialty retail ventures ranging from key cutting services to children's toys to cookie-baking to shoe repair and watchbands. Optical retail, however, began to play a large role in the company's strategy in 1996 when it acquired Pearle Inc. in a deal that made it the second-largest optical retailer in the United States. In 2004, at the time of the Luxottica acquisition, the company operated as a leading provider of vision care products and services—including managed vision care programs—and personalized gifts through its Things Remembered stores.

Early History

Company namesake and guiding light Joseph E. Cole was born in Cleveland in 1915, the youngest of nine children. He started his retail career with Cleveland's National Key Company in 1935 at the age of 20. He left National Key nine years later to establish the key division of Curtis Industries, another Cleveland business.

Cole's first key shop was set up in the parking lot of a local Sears, Roebuck & Co. store that same year. By the end of the decade, Cole had built his little sideline into America's second-largest key retailer. The self-made entrepreneur was coronated "king of keys" in 1950, when he acquired National Key and Curtis' key division, the industry's two top players. The newly unified firm took the name of its larger constituent, National Key. (Although National Key was founded in 1932, Cole National claimed 1944 as its inaugural year.)

Joe Cole's key-selling concept was predicated on the idea that keymaking was a highly specialized, service-oriented business. While mass retailers wanted a share of this segment's high profit margins, they did not want to deal with the equally high level of training, service, and inventory control it demanded. Cole leased space from such leading department stores as Sears, Roebuck and Co., Montgomery Ward, and Kresge's. He then installed key-making machines, trained store employees to cut keys, and oversaw the operations' complex 3,000-unit inventory. While Cole neither manufactured keys nor owned stores, Cole found a profitable niche in providing its services to customers and retailers.

A company executive would later characterize Cole's counters as "an oasis of service in a sea of self-service." The tiny selling areas emerged as the most productive areas—in terms of profits per square foot—in some stores. During the 1950s, the company expanded into the manufacture and sale of key chains and jewelry, and launched a while-you-wait shoe repair division.

Public Offering Leads to Growth in the 1960s

The explosion of automotive and home sales in the postwar era made expansion of the replacement key industry virtually inevitable. Less than a decade after assuming the helm of National Key, Joe Cole increased sales fourfold, from $2.33 million in 1950 to $10.52 million in 1959. When the firm went public that year, it sold out its entire offering in one day. The Cole family retained a 25 percent stake in their company, which by that time was netting over $635,000 annually.

That same year, Cole tested a new concept in optical retailing, establishing an eyewear counter within space leased from a Detroit Montgomery Ward store. This venture was based on the same concept as the company's key business. Company strategists recognized that mass retailers had the traffic, but not the expertise, to run such an operation. Masco Optical became the foundation of a chain of optical counters that numbered over 150 locations by the end of the 1960s. Optical centers had become Cole National's largest division by 1964, contributing about half of annual sales.

Although CNC retained a focus on retailing, it also diversified into manufacturing during the 1960s. It acquired Sterling Industries, a Cleveland manufacturer of aluminum, steel and plastic products in 1961, thereby winning an exclusive contract with Welcome Wagon. In 1966 Cole National merged with Susan Crane, producers of giftwrap, and acquired the Gene Upton Co., manufacturers of self-adhesive metal letters and numbers. Two years later it acquired Manco, Inc., a manufacturer of Topps and Everbest brand watchbands. The Manco purchase included Canadian, British, and Japanese retail outlets. Griffon Cutlery Corporation, a marketer of manicure tools, was added to the roster in 1969. These acquisitions more than quadrupled Cole National's sales to over $40 million, but also invited speculation from analysts that the company had over-extended itself. In 1970, in fact, the retail conglomerate's profits declined by half.

Company uses CAM to bring machining in-house

For any company that designs new products, communicating its designs outside of its walls is always a source of anxiety. Outsiders who get proprietary information can use it to become a competitor.

This is the main reason why Jeff Smith, president of Triad Solutions LLC (Moorpark, California), decided to do some of his own machining in-house. The company made this transition without hiring a machinist, without making a large capital investment and without undergoing a big learning curve. Even though the shop had no machining experience, it has been able to machine its own parts quickly and efficiently, thanks, in large part, to the intuitiveness and accessibility of CNC technology today.We realized the most important thing for us to do is maintain complete control of certain critical parts that have earned us a lot of business," Mr. Smith explains. "We didn't want to reveal the details to competitors or vendors."

Triad is a developer of cryogenic test dewars, which are metal containers made like a vacuum bottle that allow infrared sensors and arrays to be tested at very cold temperatures. The shop machines the dewars' vacuum interfaces for electrical circuits, as well as internal components such as cold pedestals, heat-switch components, light baffles, device sockets and heater enclosures. It also prototypes parts for new designs. The company's customer base includes high-tech aerospace companies that work with infrared sensors and universities that require these devices to research materials.

Mr. Smith knew that he would have to find a CAM software program that would allow direct-to-NC-programming from 3D designs. At the time, the company was happy using TurboCAD, a program developed by IMSI (Novato, California) that allows the user to manipulate AutoCAD drawings. So when the time came, Mr. Smith inquired about the company's CAM capability.

With this new CAM capability, the shop uses a benchtop three-axis CNC milling machine from Taig (Chandler, Arizona).

After implementing TurboCADCAM, the company started producing parts within a couple of weeks. During that time, employees had to learn the specifics about formatting the software to work with the CNC machine. Then they had to optimize the machining steps to produce quality parts, which Mr. Smith says took time to perfect. "We produced many a scrap part in the process because of our ignorance in several areas, mainly with machine setup and proper settings for the material being machined," he says.

The company is now capable of machining 20 percent of its own parts that it couldn't machine without the CAM application. The company did not have to hire any more people to add to its five-person staff, nor did it have to purchase more than one CNC machine.

Although it didn't take the staff long to get up to speed with the new software, Mr. Smith explains that the company isn't working with complex parts, exotic materials or tight tolerances. The shop mainly machines aluminum, and tolerances are normally in the range of 0.005 inch.

Every job at the shop begins with the design of a product requested by a customer, typically in the form of written specifications. The shop translates the specifications into a 3D model that it reviews with the customer prior to fabrication.

Now that Triad has been machining parts for a while, it has discovered a range of benefits that go beyond protecting its own designs. Not only does the software aid in keeping company costs down, it also has improved Triad's customer service. For example, job turnaround time has improved because instead of sending a design out to be machined, it's possible to machine a part in one day. "We have literally talked about the design of a part with a customer and delivered the finished part all in the same day," Mr. Smith explains. "It takes maybe half an hour to set up the material on the machine, and then it's ready to go."

Repairing a customer's part is also much quicker in-house. A repair could take as long as 2 weeks when Triad outsourced its machining, but now the company can make its repairs on the spot.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Software is the CNC - includes related article on retrofits - computer numerical control

Almost every longstanding shop has had a machine like this - good iron but the controller is shot. The difference is that Melling Manufacturing Group in Jackson, Michigan, was able to bring their vertical machining center back to life. And it didn't take an expensive maintenance program. All it took was replacing the old hardware-based CNC with a software-based system, running on a mail-order personal computer. This PC control not only resurrected the machine tool, but it also lets the machine run better than it ever did with the old controller.The way it was, the most we could get for that VMC as a trade-in was its scrap value," said Melling President Dave Horthrop. This 45-man shop had owned the machine since 1985, and relied on it for years. But over time, the control unit had experienced its share of problems, with downtime getting longer and longer and repair bills going higher and higher.

Even when it was running, the machine was very difficult to program. The proprietary control was badly out-dated and no longer supported by the builder.

"Eventually it got to the point where, at best, we could use it only as a programmable drill press. Even at that, our machinists avoided using this machine as much as possible - most of the time it just took up valuable floor space," Mr. Horthrop recalls.

Cole National Corporation

Once an optical retailer with nearly 3,000 outlets in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean, Cole National Corporation was acquired by Italy's Luxottica S.p.A. in 2004. Luxottica proceeded to fold Cole's operations into its North American Retail Group, and while Cole's holdings (such as Pearle Vision) continued to thrive, the Cole structure was dissolved. Over the course of its history, Cole National had dabbled in specialty retail ventures ranging from key cutting services to children's toys to cookie-baking to shoe repair and watchbands. Optical retail, however, began to play a large role in the company's strategy in 1996 when it acquired Pearle Inc. in a deal that made it the second-largest optical retailer in the United States. In 2004, at the time of the Luxottica acquisition, the company operated as a leading provider of vision care products and services—including managed vision care programs—and personalized gifts through its Things Remembered stores.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Software is the CNC - includes related article on retrofits - computer numerical control

Imagine a computer numerical control (CNC) system set free of proprietary hardware. Two shops discuss their experiences with software-based machine controllers.

The controller was as good as dead. The machine it was on couldn't even be traded in.

Almost every longstanding shop has had a machine like this - good iron but the controller is shot. The difference is that Melling Manufacturing Group in Jackson, Michigan, was able to bring their vertical machining center back to life. And it didn't take an expensive maintenance program. All it took was replacing the old hardware-based CNC with a software-based system, running on a mail-order personal computer. This PC control not only resurrected the machine tool, but it also lets the machine run better than it ever did with the old controller.

"The way it was, the most we could get for that VMC as a trade-in was its scrap value," said Melling President Dave Horthrop. This 45-man shop had owned the machine since 1985, and relied on it for years. But over time, the control unit had experienced its share of problems, with downtime getting longer and longer and repair bills going higher and higher.

Even when it was running, the machine was very difficult to program. The proprietary control was badly out-dated and no longer supported by the builder.

"Eventually it got to the point where, at best, we could use it only as a programmable drill press. Even at that, our machinists avoided using this machine as much as possible - most of the time it just took up valuable floor space," Mr. Horthrop recalls

the shop found the new CNC, which made the turnaround possible, a little over two years ago. Called OpenCNC and Manufacturing Data Systems Inc. (MDSI) of Ann Arbor, Michigan, this CNC is a software-based system that uses a standard, off-the-shelf personal computer (PC) running a standard CNC software product. Only this software is proprietary; everything else is entirely independent of computer hardware. As soon as the old CNC was replaced with the new, this same machine was running, and running at faster feed rates and better accuracies than it did when brand new. It has become a very productive resource on the shop floor and there is no hesitation among operators when they are assigned to this machine.

"Besides turning what we thought was just a piece of junk into a valuable production asset, software-based CNCs are going to help us get into a new business that we couldn't otherwise compete in," says Mr. Horthrop.

A Different Kind Of CNC

Mr. Horthrop had heard about the new kind of CNC from Great Lakes Industry, Inc., a company also located in Jackson, near Ann Arbor in the southeastern corner of the state. GLI had retrofit several of its machine tools with these software-based CNCs. Almost out of desperation, Mr. Horthrop visited GLI to check it out. What he saw appeared to be the answer to the problems with his shop's VMC, even though the retrofit CNCs he looked at were radically different from the CNCs he was used to encountering. With little to lose, he had the old CNC replaced on the VMC in August, 1995.

The new CNC runs on an office-grade PC interfaced directly to the existing servo system of the machine tool. There is no separate motion control card, programmable logic controller, or other hardware in or attached to the PC. It has standard processors inside, exactly the way it came out of the box.

What it does have is software designed and written to allow an off-the-shelf PC to function as a CNC. This software handles everything that a CNC normally handles, such as the human-machine interface and I/O control, but it also closes the servo loop, a task usually relegated to add-on hardware such as a motion control card in some CNCs using a PC platform.

The reason Melling's VMC is now performing better than ever is that the old control did not have the processing power to keep up with the full potential of the axis drives on this particular machine. The drives' speed and accuracy were limited by the inability of the old CNC to process motion commands and position feedback signals very quickly. The new CNC is considerably faster.

"And when faster and more powerful PCs become available, we can upgrade by simply swapping out the old for the new," notes Mr. Horthrop. "The same control software will be loaded on the new PC. Likewise, if the control software is upgraded, the hardware will not prevent us from moving to the new version."

Hardware Independence

Having CNCs that are completely independent of hardware is an important consideration for both Melling and GLI, though their reasons are different. "We are interested in adding capacity to manufacture timing sprockets and similar workpieces for our parent company," explains Mr. Horthrop at Melling. "But we can't justify the cost of new equipment to produce these parts competitively in a mature market where margins are very low. The problem with used equipment is the controllers. They're either outdated to start with or if they're not, getting repair parts or future upgrades may not be easy or affordable

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Upgrade Grinding Machines�Precision Balancing & Analyzing, Booth 6327 - Brief Article

he company is now offering a complete package to upgrade grinding machines with belt-driven grinding spindles to wide speed range high frequency spindles. Due to today's production requirements that demand machines handle a wide range of parts, requiring constant changing of grinding wheel speeds, the company developed a new service package. With the new upgrade service package a company can replace the several belt-driven spindles on a machine with one or two high frequency spindles and handle the jabs that require power and stiffness at 5,000 rpm and have speed capability to 30,000 or 72,000 rpm.The package is complete with a control station that includes the high frequency drive, lubrication unit, chiller Unit and control interface for CNC or manual control of functions. The control station is mounted on a roll around platform that occupies a minimum amount of floor space and can be conveniently located. Each package is configured to meet specific customer requirements.

Portable CMMs speed turbomachinery repair

Repairing steam turbines is all about efficiency, quality, and precision. Customers in the petrochemical, oil and gas, and power-generation businesses may be losing hundreds of thousands of dollars a day if a key piece of turbomachinery is down. And, for equipment that may weigh several tons, rotate at high speeds, and run at high temperatures, quality is an absolute requirement.

To add to the challenge, there are almost never original drawings to go by, at least not for independent repair companies such as Hickham Industries (La Porte, TX). A unit of Sulzer Turbomachinery Services, Hickham claims to be the largest and most diverse such facility in North America.More often than not, drawings have been lost over the years. Even when available, they may not be very helpful. Because of modifications made during manufacturing, no two pieces of turbomachinery are ever exactly the same-even if they have identical model numbers. Problems are multiplied by the effects of wear and corrosion; overheating and crashes that leave key components bent, cracked, or broken; and multiple rebuilds.

In light of these challenges, Hickham personnel have become experts in reverse engineering. Work at La Porte always starts with careful measurement using portable coordinate measurement machines (CMMs) to establish nominal dimensions.

"The first step is to establish what we have, where we are, what we know and do not know, and what we have to do," project engineer Jaime Valdez explains. "For that, the portable arms are essential."

Hickham has conventional CMMs, but most of the machinery it refurbishes is too big to be dimensioned anywhere but out on the shop floor. For that task, the company uses portable arm CMMs from Romer/ CimCore (Farmington Hills, MI). Hickham purchased four of the company's 3000i arms in early 2002-three with a 9' (2.7-m) measuring envelope, and one with a 12' (3.7-m) envelope. Hickham is now looking at adding accessories such as Romer's Linear Rail and GridLok systems to further expand measuring envelope and versatility.

"These are close-tolerance, high-speed, high-horsepower, high-temperature machines that generate high revenues for our clients," explains project manager Dave Dixon. "With equipment like this, the margin for any type of error is very small and the price of an error is extremely high. The Romer arm is one of Hickham's key tools to verify our efforts in maximizing the machine's output and minimizing the chance for error."

The portable arms are used to measure casings, shafts, shaft supports, disks, diaphragms, and bladed turbine rotors, plus impellers for centrifugal compressors. "Data from our reverse engineering efforts supports all the key decisions on what repairs are needed, how they will be done, how long it will take, and which parts must be replaced," Valdez explains. "Also very important is getting measurements quickly."

Speed is a factor in Hickham's success. Turbomachinery repair is a competitive business, and jobs are taken on fixed-price bids with demanding delivery times. "On one rush job, we had just 27 days to disassemble the entire turbine, dimension it, weld the case and repair cracks, fix the rotors, repair a lot of the blades, and fix the stationary parts," Valdez recalls.

"With the portable CMMs we can get axial and linear measurements-bearing areas, rings, stators, and vanes-all at the same time with just a few quick changes in the setups," explains operator Jesse Haver. "We do it all with just one man rather than two or even three. It will take eight man-hours rather than 32."

According to Haver, the device's reverse engineering software aids data collection. "One thing about the arm's software, PowerInspect, is the ease with which reference planes can be changed even after points have been gathered," he points out. "Often, we need to be able to relocate geometry planes and move points between them. With PowerInspect, there's no need to go back and remeasure. We know the data was good." All dimensional measurements are checked at least three times by Hickham personnel in various departments, he adds.

Accurate measurements made with the portable CMMs mean Hickham machinists no longer do trial-and-error machining.

Surfaces measured range from simple flats and arcs to volute surfaces of centrifugal pump impellers. "Our machinists then cut these parts to our numbers," Haver says. "The accurate measurements mean they no longer have to do trial-and-error machining. We can now do in two days what sometimes took weeks."

Rotating stages of turbines are often up to 52'' (1.3 m) diam, and the full assemblies may be 35' (10.7 m) long. "But, we are often working in confined spaces, and the arm's almost unlimited rotation is a big help," Valdez says. "It always takes a while to get the measuring setup oriented and maneuvered into just the right position and locked down.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

PC-based CNC revives vintage machines


They just don't build machine tools like they used to, according to Andy Vige, president of Machine Specialty and Mfg. (Youngsville, LA).

Vige couldn't find a new machine tool that could take the punishment that one of his 20-- year-old Warner & Swasey lathes could. He'd been buying used W&S machines for years, then driving them hard to make pipe pressure fittings and flanges for the oil industry. The iron in them was still good, but the original controls were not. Aging hardware-based CNCs on the lathes had become obsolete, and because they were proprietary, closed systems, the controls were starting to cost the company plenty.

"When a motion board goes on one of these, it takes weeks to repair or replace them," Vige says.

"Frequently, the original control company can't help us at all. When a machine goes down, and you fail to produce 300-400 pieces of flange that you would normally sell during the day, you feel it." To top it off, Machine Specialty and its competitors were in the middle of a two-year price war, and the company couldn't afford to lose ground.

The solution Vige found was so successful that, 18 months later, he has transformed almost every CNC machine he owns and improved production by 30%. And he did it without buying a single new machine.

That solution was OpenCNC software from MDSI (Ann Arbor, MI), an open-architecture CNC package that uses no proprietary hardware or motion control cards. Because it runs on off-the-shelf PCs and Microsoft Windows operating systems, users are not locked into proprietary arrangements for hardware, control repair, or control upgrades.

Vige credits the package with helping him:

* Reinvigorate his old machine tools

* Gain access to machine data that helps him manage his company

* Avoid having to buy new machines

* Gain control over production

* Stay competitive.

* OpenCNC gave me a jump on everybody I compete against," he says.

Machine Specialty has been in business more than 20 years. With about 75 employees, the company makes pipe Ranges and fittings for a variety of oil and gas applications, from deep-water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico to the North Sea, where they perform critical applications such as containing high-corrosion fluids or withstanding pressure of up to 20,000 psi (138 MPa). The business is competitive and global.

As company president and coowner, Vige constantly looks for manufacturing solutions to help him optimize profits and resource utilization. Machine downtime costs money-$8500 per day per machine, Vige estimates. He figured his Warner & Swasey lathes were down about 20% of the time with control problems. When he realized he was spending $2,000-- $3,000 per machine per month to keep the old controls going, plus what it was costing him every time a machine stopped, enough was enough.

Besides upgrading his old machines, Vige was looking for answers to several manufacturing problems. He wanted to decrease cycle times. He wanted a control that in-house maintenance personnel could service. He wanted to use existing servos and drives. And most of all, he wanted access to data.

"I needed a better tracking system for what was going on with each machine," he says. "How long is the machine running each day? How long does it take to do a batch of parts? How many parts can be done in one day per machine? I can't get this information from traditional controls."

When Vige heard about OpenCNC, he knew it was what he wanted. "It was software that let me use any drives that I wanted or any PC," he said. "I didn't have to buy a whole package. I could buy the best drives or the best PC I wanted. The MDSI control doesn't care which one you use. It's software, so we can put it into any package we choose."

The first machine retrofitted with the software was a W&S 2 SC lathe. Eldon Richardson, an MDSI integrator out of Meridian, MS, performed the retrofit, which involved pulling all the wiring from the old cabinet, removing the old control, installing OpenCNC on a new PC, rewiring the panel, and programming the machine. The old servos and drives were in good shape, so he left those in place.

Machine Specialty machinist Mike Thibodeaux worked with Richardson to learn about the software. Since that first machine, they have refined the retrofit process so that Thibodeaux and other Machine Specialty employees strip out the old control and remove all the wiring. At his shop, Richardson builds a bolt-on case for the monitor and PC, loads the OpenCNC onto the PC, and programs it. He then takes the completed package back to Machine Specialty, where he re-wires the machine and puts the new control in place.

Richardson says the process goes quickly if existing servos and drives are kept, which is what Machine Specialty chose to do on most of its machines. "The first machine took about two weeks," he says. "Now, it's much faster. We have actually taken four machines down at the same time, retrofitted them with OpenCNC, and had all four of them up and cutting parts in just eight days."

Jet Engine Repair Flies High With CNC


Engine components for Air Force One, aircraft parts riddled with bullet holes, jet engine cases ripped open by ice and other projectiles-these are just some of the repair and overhaul jobs that Component Repair Technologies Inc. (Mentor, OH) has handled in its more than 20 years in business.

CRT was founded in 1985 by Tom Wheeler and Chuck Bart as an independent turbine engine overhaul shop. Over the years, the company has expanded its facility and process capabilities to perform all repair work inhouse. Messrs. Wheeler and Bart pride themselves on their extensive capabilities that enable them to control costs, minimize turn times, and deliver quality work to a customer list that includes major OEMs, commercial air carriers, and large engine shops.

The company, which occupies a 115,000-ft2 (10,683-m2) facility, is segmented into three business units according to product category: cases (turbine sections of engines), rotating workpieces (shafts, disks, and spools), and small parts for both small and large engines. Each unit is set up in cellular configuration with its own machining, assembly, and inspection capabilities.

CRT initially depended on large manual boring machines and manual lathes for its machining. As the need for more complex machining capability became apparent, the company has moved to adopt the latest in CNC technology to improve productivity, quality, and production flexibility.

In 1999 the company expanded its capability to handle large duct replacements and flange replacements in the cases unit. "We needed the ability to contour using CNC technology," explains General Manager Andrew LaTourette.

"You can contour manually, but it's very time-consuming if you don't have the capability to do pick feeds and repetitive back and forth necessary for stock removal." For CRT, this work is especially challenging because the cases are thin-walled and made of high nickel 718 and 625 Inconel. "These are gummy and unforgiving materials," LaTourette points out.

Most of CRT's jobs don't lend themselves to pushing off a lot of stock. Instead, the company does a lot of skim-and-trim finesse machining. "When you are doing flange replacements or replacing large duct segments, you have to keep things round and parallel," LaTourette explains. "The problems crop up when you get to the finish size because the parts will have a residual stress, and that's tricky to machine and keep round-especially when you have �0.003'' [0.08-mm] tolerances on a 43'' [1.1-m] diam."

The need for the capabilities that CNC machining could provide was apparent to CRT. "In the aircraft repair business, we have to stay sharp, offer excellent quality, and really keep pushing ourselves on our process capabilities so we can compete and stay in the game," says LaTourette.

"We're both a job shop and a custom manufacturer. Even though 65% of the parts go through the same work scope, all bets are off because you never know how someone is going to treat an airplane engine. We think of everything as a one-off. Our turnarounds are tight, so the flexibility of our CNC machines is critical," he explains.

Over the last six years, CRT has invested in four CNC machines from Absolute Machine Tools Inc. (Lorain, OH): two You Ji YV-1200ATC vertical turning lathes; a Johnford VMC-1600SHD for its cases unit; and a Johnford DMC-1500H bridge mill, which was recently installed in its small parts unit.

The YV-1200ATCs turn all the angular geometry on duct and flange replacements. "The grooves are whittled out on the You Ji VTLs," says LaTourette. "You plunge the slots, cut to size on the drop, cut the shelves, and once all that cutting is finished, a right-angle head takes over. Then we machine the slots, the scallops with a straight mill, and the hole patterns. We also do the geometry on the other side of the case."

All this work could be done on manual machines with form tools, LaTourette admits, "but not economically or even competitively."

The You Ji machines also helped CRT move certain parts out of the grind room. The company formerly ground a particular hub component to tight tolerances on its ID/OD grinders. Now it single-points the part to size on the You Ji VTLs, reducing grinding time by about 12 hr. The two You Ji VTLs are set up so that only one operator is needed to run both machines.

Grouped next to the two You Ji VTLs is the Johnford VMC-1600SHD. The VMC is equipped with a 31.5'' (800-mm) precision turntable that provides a fourth axis. It also includes right-angle heads that supply a manual fifth axis. The additional axes allow CRT to do bolt circles without changing tools, and the VMC also has probing capability.

The flexibility of the Johnford VMC has allowed CRT to pursue additional duct and flange replacement work. One such job calls for the Johnford to drill 102 holes in a flange for rotation pins and tackle all the scallop work on the part.

"You can do a large flange replacement like this manually and drill all the holes, but not competitively," says LaTourette. "You really have to push the envelope today if you want to stay in business."

Saturday, April 21, 2007

HEDG plunge grinding saves crankshaft costs

Cranfield University's production trials have revealed potential costs saving using High Efficiency Deep Grinding - or HEDG - technology in the plunge grinding of automotive crankshafts.

Cranfield University's School Of Industrial and Manufacturing Science, Cranfield, UK, has employed a Holroyd Edgetek SAT super abrasive grinding machine as part of a three year programme to develop a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of metal removal using HEDG (High Efficiency Deep Grinding technology). The investigation culminated in a series of tests on a Cinetic Landis LT2 used to cylindrically plunge grind automotive crankshafts with metal removal rates up 1000mm3/mm.s. No thermal damage to sidewalls was recorded.

Achieving these increased removal rates has unlocked the potential of rough grinding to make the HEDG process competitive against more traditional methods.

The study at Cranfield was a collaborative project sponsored by EPSRC between the University, Holroyd, Cinetic Landis Grinding, St Gobain, Liverpool JMU, Castrol, Stesstech, and Element 6.

It was organised and undertaken under the direction of Professor David Stephenson, a world authority in grinding technology.

'The objective of our research was to establish a model which explains the thermal characteristics of metal removal under HEDG conditions and then apply this to machining standard automotive crankshafts,' said Prof Stephenson.

'Many production engineers are aware of the potential that exists to optimise existing industrial process chains using today's high performance grinding machines and the latest super-abrasive technology'.

'HEDG is one such example; its high material removal rate offers the potential to improve cycle times whilst maintaining surface integrity, form and finish requirements.' One of the key requirements on automotive crankshafts is that the pins and mains both require journal diameters and web sidewalls to be ground.

The pins require wide short path grinds, typically using high spindle power levels, while the mains need narrow and longer path grinds, which are not normally limited by the available spindle power, but by issues of thermal damage.

The major ramification of this is that the webs or sidewalls of the crankshaft are particularly suitable for the application of HEDG technology.

HEDG delivers improved 'Burn Threshold' qualities that result in lower grind temperatures of the workpiece, and overall improvement in the quality of the finish itself.

In addition, HEDG offers great potential to improve process times and, as a consequence, helps manufacturers to gain a competitive advantage.

The Cranfield research comprised grinding trials, which were carried out in two stages: initially utilising test-pieces in a laboratory environment, followed by automotive crankshafts on production machinery.

The test pieces themselves were selected steel and cast iron materials.

One of the major issues faced by the research team was that, in order to increase specific material removal rates (Q'w) to levels far higher then currently used commercially, it was necessary to understand how the heat energy is partitioned to the workpiece.

This was achieved using thermal models specifically developed for high removal grinding; and by employing a novel temperature measurement technique adapted for cylindrical grinding.

During the initial work, tests were carried out over a range of Q'w from 100 to 2000mm3/mm.s on steel samples.

Power data were recorded and then used to predict surface temperatures using the thermal model.

A second set of trials was then carried out on production machinery with both steel and cast iron crankshaft components.

A similar range of Q'w rates was investigated.

In this case the simple shaped grinding wheels were replaced with two fully profiled left and right hand wheels, to enable the production of the undercut form, blending sidewall and diametrical features, and any differing width requirement.

The initial set of trials was conducted using a Holroyd Edgetek SAT super abrasive turning machine, while the second set, which were validation trials, took place on an LT2 machine at the Cinetic Landis factory, under actual production conditions.

The CNC controlled Edgetek system provides cutting speeds of up to 12,200m/min, courtesy of a high power, variable speed 37kW spindle motor operating at 9000 rev/min max, and CBN electroplated wheels, which provide long wheel life.

Coolant nozzle design had to be improved too.

Delivery of the correct amount of workpiece coolant and lubricant to the work zone is important to reduce the heat being transferred into a workpiece.

The Edgetek machine is fitted with a very stiff grinding spindle, which uses hybrid ceramic bearings that facilitate the very large cuts possible with HEDG.

In addition, the granite polymer composite base offers excellent damping properties, virtually neutralising resonant frequencies within the machine that could impair its accuracy.

The result of this synergy is a machine that allows heavy stock removal on straight outside diameters (ODs) or special form diameters to grinding machine tolerances on virtually any difficult material or Rockwell hardness.

* Results - the results for both the initial and production stages of the trials correlated well.

The industrial application of the process initially considered a small number of steel crankshafts ground over a range of Q'w, and then a batch of 1000 with a constant stock removal rate.

The batch run demonstrated process stability with grinding power levels remaining consistent throughout.

Crankshafts were checked for form and surface finish requirements and remained well within specification; typically 50 micron for concentricity and 2.3 micron Ra for surface finish.

The application of the increased removal rates - 1000mm3/mm.s for sidewall and 200mm3/mm.s for diameters on the crankshafts, offers the potential to save cycle time in full production for both steel crankshafts and cast iron crankshafts.

In addition, even with the increased removal rates, the specific grinding energy (SGE) versus Q'w relationship showed a similar trend to previous surface HEDG investigations, with the SGE reducing at higher Q'w values.

This means that a greater proportion of the energy is removed by the grinding chips, resulting in a reduced energy input to the workpiece within the HEDG regime.

Summing-up the results of the trials, Prof Stephenson said: 'Our study has shown that the performance level of standard production machinery currently in use within the automotive industry can be extended to provide a number of major advantages'.

'These are, firstly, more efficient grinding regimes that compete with conventional cutting processes in terms of stock removal rate; secondly, reduced manufacturing costs as a result of higher production rates and lower capital investment; and thirdly, improved surface integrity and, therefore, better component performance and reliability due to relatively low workpiece temperatures.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

CNC punch press choice based on experience

A generous specification for a cost-effective price and a short delivery time led to the choice of another CNC punch press by a switchgear manufacturer, based on past experience.

Howarth Switchgear has built its business on providing exactly what customers want when they want it, and to give it the capacity and flexibility to meet these demands it has just invested in a new LVD Parma 1212 CNC punch press. Director Chris Howarth says that the key arguments for the Parma were that it gave a generous specification for a cost-effective price and a short delivery time. He was also convinced it would be reliable, as the company had been running a punch press from LVD's predecessor Shape Machines for the past twenty years with very few problems - and those problems that did occur were fixed very quickly.

'The Shape machine has worked well for us with very few breakdowns, but we thought it was time to move on,' he said.

Howarth's business is building electrical switchgear systems for all kinds of non-domestic premises - from banks and call centres to chemical plants, food processors and military installations.

And even though they try and incorporate standard elements, no two systems are the same.

'Every building is different and the system requirements in buildings are changing all the time,' said Howarth.

'If you are refurbishing a building you are going to need 100 to 150% more power because everything now is IT-oriented.

And if you have more computers you need more air conditioning to deal with the heat they give out.

The result is that they end up trying to get much more switchgear into the same space as they used before.

So it all has to be specially built.

The other problem is that sometimes the switchgear may be in a basement or on a roof and you have to design it in sections so that you can get it through the existing services.' Co-director Anthony Howarth added, 'Because we have a bespoke product we feel we have to do all of our own sheet metal.

Although systems may look similar there are always small differences that would make it very difficult for someone working with standard cut parts or bought-in frameworks.

If we relied on anyone else's casework we wouldn't be flexible - we give the customer what they want rather than what someone else stocks.' As well as this flexibility, the other factor that allows Howarth Switchgear to offer a premium service is its speed of delivery - and again, the only way to ensure that is to manufacture the critical components in house.

'We are mass producing one-offs, but that is what you have to do.

The Parma might seem quite a big machine for what we do, but the way we see it is that if you can do what the customer wants and react more quickly you will get more work in.

Because we can deliver on time with what the customer wants, they will be able to get the plant up and running sooner.' The LVD Parma punch press offers the speed and flexibility of programming and production that Howarth Switchgear needs.

With a 21-station turret including three direct-drive 50.8mm auto-index stations it gives a wide range of options with a standard tooling setup - and it needs it as Howarth designs and makes around 250 new parts every month.

The Parma 1212 features GE Fanuc 0iP CNC control, and rugged frame and table design to achieve tight tolerances and consistent punching accuracy.

LVD says that it can deliver up to 300 hits/min on 25.4mm centres, and nibble at up to 650 hits/min with a finished part accuracy of +/-0.1mm and +/-0.05mm finished part repeatability.

As Anthony Howarth explained, 'Auto-indexing isn't new technology but it will offer a lot more possibilities, and the programming is much more flexible and faster.

We aren't stubborn and are very prepared to grow into the capabilities of the machine and the software.

One of the things I liked about the Parma was that the punch press and the software came as a package, and the Cadman P 3D software has an unfolding module so that you can flat pack your parts from a 3D file.' The speed and quality of the manufacturing process is extremely important to Howarth's work and cash flow, said Chris Howarth.

'These can be really large installations and a considerable amount of cash (in components) can be tied up on the shop floor.

What we were looking for with the Parma was performance and flexibility at a cost effective price and we are now applying the Parma's advanced technology to speed up our work flow which in turn can only benefit our customers.'

Slitting die tooling offers longer regrind life

Slitting die tooling system for CNC punch presses uses a tough and wear-resistant premium tool steel for the slitting die blade to offer twice the regrind life of standard tooling.

The Wilson 2-4-1 Slitting Die system is the latest innovation developed by Wilson Tool. The 2-4-1 Slitting Die system offers twice the regrind life over a standard solid die. The Slitting Die blade is manufactured from Ultima, a premium tool steel which is tough and resistant, excelling in applications which demand long-term wear resistance and toughness.

Ultima can further extend the tool life by up to 400% compared with a standard die, representing considerable cost-savings on replacement tooling.

The special die insert, exclusive to Wilson Tool, is fully supported by the die base which is made of a special shock-absorbent steel designed to resist the repeated impact that can sometimes cause conventional dies to crack.

As the die insert is reground, the shims supplied with the assembly can be used to return the die assembly to the correct height.

When the die insert wears out, a new 2-4-1 insert can be purchased for less than the price of a standard replacement die.

Tool systems fit punching requirements

Danobat Punch Press users can select from a full range of high performance Mate tooling systems to fit the exact nature of their punching requirements.

Danobat punch press users can select from a full range of high performance Mate tooling systems to fit the exact nature of their punching requirements. These include Mate Ultra TEC, Mate Ultra XT, Mate original style thick turret tooling, and the Mate Ultraform forming tool system. Mate Ultra TEC is a full-featured, highest performance thick turret punching system that increases tool performance and flexibility, offers extended tool life, and allows interchangeability with existing systems.

Features of the Ultra TEC system include: premium high speed tool steel, quick tool change, easy click length adjustment (no shims or tooling required), grooved guides for best lubrication, Slug Free Die design, and relieved strippers for extended grind life.

Mate Ultra XT is a new tooling alternative with more features than original style thick turret tooling but not as full-featured as the Ultra Tec line.

Designed to give press operators extra setup convenience, the system is another choice to achieve the highest quality punching at the lowest cost per part.

Ultra XT has these high performance features: premium high speed tool steel, quick tool change, easy click length adjustment, grooved guides for best lubrication and Slug Free Die design.

Mate Original Style Thick Turret Tooling is an economical thick turret tooling system that is fully OEM compatible with design enhancements that include: premium high speed tool steel punches, hexagon shaped 1/2' A and 1-1/4' B station punch heads for easy adjustment and maintenance, and Slug Free Die design.

All three tooling systems are available in sizes for 1/ 2' A station, 1-1/4' B station, 2' C station and 3-1/2' D station.

All Mate Tooling systems are 100 percent unconditionally customer satisfaction guaranteed.

Danobat users can gain a competitive advantage by using exclusive Mate Ultraform special assemblies to expand their fabricating capabilities while eliminating expensive secondary operations.

Examples include the new Mate HexLock system, which provides an alternative to self-clinching fasteners, and the Mate SnapLock assembly, which creates fabricated joints without secondary welding operations.

CNC punch presses have large turret capacity

Robust, thick turret tooling style CNC punch presses, 200 and 300kN, offer a large turret capacity with a versatile mix of stations and the largest feed clearance in the industry.

LVD introduces the Verona Series of CNC turret punch presses offered in 200 and 300kN models (20 and 30 tonf). Verona turret punch presses are robust, full-featured machines designed for high production demands. These Thick turret tooling style punch presses offer a large turret capacity with a versatile mix of stations and the largest feed clearance in the industry.

Powerful control capabilities and programmable features make Verona punch presses easy to set up and operate.

Engineered for high productivity and long life, Verona punches materials up to 6.4mm with a maximum hit rate of 1000 hits/min at 1mm pitch.

A state-of-the-art positioning system combines heavy sheet carrying capacity with accurate motion control to produce a finished part accuracy of 0,10 mm with a repeatability of 0.05mm over the entire table.

Bridge frame construction provides accuracy and durability.

LVD's latest punch presses handle workpieces up to 1524 x 2500mm depending on model.

Larger workpieces are handled with clamp repositioning.

Smart Clamp, a standard feature, automatically determines exact clamp locations to provide the smallest possible no-punch zone.

* Advanced hydraulic ram technology - an advanced servo hydraulic press drive and easy-to-use interactive software optimize Verona's high-speed operation while reducing noise and shock.

Fully programmable stroke profiles and patented Smart Stroke feature maximize punching performance and provide flexibility for punching and forming applications.

Smart Stroke automatically optimizes the punch cycle by determining the hover height based on material thickness and distance between holes, maximizing productivity without operator or programmer intervention.

Up to 48-station turret capacity - Verona's large and versatile double-track turret provides flexibility and easy set- up.

Every station accepts shaped punches and dies, reducing set-up time.

A unique mix of turret stations provides exceptional capacity.

Verona 20 tonf models offer a 34-station configuration with four 88,9 mm auto-index stations.

The 30 tonf machines offer 48 stations with three 88.9mm auto-index stations and one fixed 88.9mm station or 114.30mm station.

The 114.30mm station is ideal for producing large louvers, special forms or using full-size parting tools.

Turret capacity can be increased with the addition of indexable Multi-Tools to expand the number of auto-indexable tools.

* Feed clearance of 25mm - Verona also provides enhanced forming capabilities with a full 25mm feed clearance between the upper and lower turret.

This generous feed clearance allows for the production of higher forms such as lances, louvers, embossments or card guides.

The punch press accommodates the latest in tooling technology for high-performance fabricating.

These capabilities further reduce set-up time, enhance productivity and promote long life with minimal maintenance costs.

Wheel tooling, including rollcut and rollform capabilities, permits quick and efficient cutting and/or forming of straight or curves shapes without nibbling.

Verona machines also employ part marking technology for part number or sheet marking requirements and can utilize tapping tools.

* Powerful PC-based control - Verona is equipped with a state-of-the-art, PC-based GE Fanuc 180i control that speeds set-up and delivers powerful features such as diagnostics, increased program storage capacity and networking.

Optional CADMAN programming software provides full support for all standard and advanced punching functions, including Auto-Index stations, Multi-Tools, standard and special punches, forming, embossing, tapping, stamping and wheel-style tools.

* Robotic pick-sort material handling system - material/part handling can be automated with the addition of an automatic sheet loading/unloading system and parts sorting device.

LVD's automatic load/unload system reduces manual worksheet handling and provides fast, efficient processing of materials up to 3.5mm thick.

Verona may be integrated with a robotic Pick-Sort material handling system.

The robotic system loads full size sheets and automatically retrieves and stacks individual punched parts with dimensions up to 1000 x 2000mm.

The Pick-Sort system converts the Verona into a freestanding, lights-out production cell.

* About LVD - LVD is a leading manufacturer of a comprehensive range of sheet metal/plate working machine tools and software solutions, including laser cutting systems, punch presses, press brakes, guillotine shears and automated flexible manufacturing systems, integrated and supported by its CADMAN PC-based Windows compatible software.

Convert power press into flexible punching

A CNC punching tool converts an existing mechanical power press into a 2-axis high capacity flexible punching unit by adding a numerically controlled roll feeder and traverse slide.

Shear-Form Machine Tools, Coventry based sheet metal and plate working machinery supplier and the sole UK representative for Dimeco Groupe, the French coil processing equipment manufacturer has launched 'Decopunch' a new CNC punching tool that converts an existing mechanical power press into a 2-axis 'Flexipunch' high capacity punching unit by adding a numerically controlled roll feeder and traverse slide. The slide is used to move a removable cassette, which is fitted with cartridge tooling, actuated by built in selectors. It is suitable for manufacturing punched or embossed components without any limitation on length and up to 800mm wide, such as cable trays, storage racks and computer racks as well as Z and C purlins and building structures.

It can also be used for nesting and stamping circular components producing up to 10% savings in material costs.

Features of 'Decopunch' include flexibility with components with the same width but different lengths being produced in a row one after each other, thereby reducing down times.

It can be adapted to fit to 'C' frame or straight sided presses, whilst the tooling cassette can hold up to 12 cartridge tools and be change in less than 3 min.

The Siemens servomotor with its twin pitch control system produces a +/-0.1mm component length accuracy.

Dimeco's user friendly Simostar 12in graphic touch screen control terminal supplies the operator with manufacturing data such as parameterised product lists, maintenance requirements and instruction manuals, whilst production programs can be prepared offline using the installed software.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

CNC sliding head automatic lowers batch sizes

Connector parts are produced within tolerance and at lower cost on a CNC sliding head automatic and economical batch sizes are 200-off and less.

A recent convert to CNC sliding-head mill-turning, Hampshire, UK subcontractor Croft Engineering supplies a local electronic equipment manufacturer with connector parts that were previously produced by another contract machinist in the UK to a lower standard on cam automatics. For years the customer thought that the poor quality was normal; then it approached a subcontractor in India to try to obtain a better price and was disappointed at the quality of the samples that came back. The parts are now produced within tolerance and at lower cost on Croft's multi-axis Star SR-32J sliding head automatic lathe, according to Jason Mortara, joint owner of Croft with his parents, Paul and Judy.

Furthermore, economic batch size is down to 200-off or less and delivery is fast, factors that are of considerable benefit to the customer, as it specialises in bespoke electronic instruments for niche markets.

The arrangement has worked so well that in the first seven months, over 50 different styles and sizes of connector from 6 to 16mm diameter and up to 30mm long had been produced on the Star.

What was originally envisaged as GBP 15,000 of business annually will in the 12 months to March 2007 be at least double that figure.

So pleased is the customer that its proprietor has written a letter to Mortara stating, 'The improved quality and delivery times from Croft, together with keener prices, have enabled us to give a better service to our existing clients and to gain new business from our competitors.' Croft found that there was little money to be made using its manually operated machine tools, so a few years ago the company invested in a CNC chucking lathe and milling machine.

However, staff costs were high because most parts still needed subsequent operations, and overheads such as rates and electricity were climbing.

Competition was fierce and profit margins remained slim.

It became obvious that a change of direction was needed.

Enquiries were being received for components that were more suitable for sliding-head machining.

So a study was carried out which showed that the best lathe for the type of work under discussion was the Star SR-32J.

An investment of over GBP 100,000 in a machine tool is a big step for a family-owned company, but Croft was getting all the right signals from potential customers, such as the electronic equipment manufacturer which happened to call in for a simple manual job to be done, and a press shop in Oxford that needed low cost, threaded inserts in quantities of 4,000-off.

Discussions with these two prospects, coupled with on-going machining of concrete drill adapter components up to 32mm diameter for another party, eventually persuaded Croft to take the plunge.

A second-hand sliding head machine was rejected, as Croft was new to the technology and needed the reassurance of having a comprehensive service package including warranty, cycle time estimates, programs, training, tooling advice and telephone helpdesk.

'All have been readily forthcoming from Star GB,' said Paul Mortara.

'It has been a very good experience.

We were comfortable with the Star lathe, Fanuc control and FMB bar magazine three months after installation - earlier than we thought.' He added: 'Star even recommended the finance house, which was able to offer good terms as it is familiar with the higher-than-average residual value of the machines.' Since the SR-32J was installed in March 2006, the situation at Croft Engineering has been transformed.

Few subcontractors in the area have such a capable mill-turning facility, so competition is much less.

Once set, the bar-fed machine works around the clock with minimal attendance during the day and unmanned overnight, turning out top quality components.

Paul Mortara sums up the advantage of the SR-32J using the example of the concrete adapter parts that the firm has been making since 1993.

Initially the components were machined entirely manually; then using the CNC chucker followed by manual drilling, tapping and hexagon milling on three separate machines; and finally in automatic, 'one-hit' cycles on the Star.

Where it used to take approximately 40h to machine a batch of 500-off, it now takes a third of the time with very little manual intervention, added to which quality is greatly improved.

Full use is made of the SR-32J's capabilities.

Tolerances within 10 micron are routinely held, whereas that was far more difficult on Croft's other production plant.

All parts are transferred to the opposed sub spindle for reverse endworking and around half undergo driven tool operations.

Of the other 50% of components, some can be extremely simple, prompting people to suggest one does not need a CNC slider to produce them.

Croft's experience is that these are machined just as cost effectively as more complex parts.

Jason cited the example of valve guides they produce in various sizes for classic cars.

Each guide requires only a short cycle, but all are very price-sensitive.

The job was referred from another subcontractor that was unable to be competitive.

Croft's view is that even if a majority of work is relatively simple and only the occasional part requires a complicated machining sequence, there is no problem justifying the purchase of a CNC sliding head automatic.

Unit production cost will always be an issue for customers, yet a subcontractor must be able to amortise a machine tool over a reasonable period.

One method that Croft uses to assist in meeting these conflicting needs is to suggest to a customer that design changes are made to a component so that it can be produced in a shorter cycle time on the Star, and perhaps in one operation rather than in two or three.

Another cost-down technique is to offer to fulfill a non-urgent order during the following week, say, when the correct size and type of bar is scheduled to be in the magazine.

This saves set-up time and reduces the price per part.

Paul Mortara concluded by commenting, 'Manufacturers in the UK often do not want to have their components made abroad, but feel that they are forced to by customers demanding ever lower prices.

Now there is another option to consider.' He said: 'Highly automated, multi-tasking machine tools like the Star are the answer to keeping work in Britain.

We will probably buy a 16mm or 20mm model next, which will be even more economical at producing smaller parts and increase our competitiveness further.'

Powered spindles and complex machining

The MultiAlpha 8x20 and 6x32 machines with their powered spindles and complex reverse face machining capability are well suited to machining complex components in a single operation.

The ongoing product implementation strategy for multi-spindle turning units at Tornos is progressing in giant steps. The recently launched MultiAlpha 8x20 and 6x32 machines with their powered spindles and complex reverse face machining capability are well suited to machining complex components right through to completion in a single operation. To enhance this capability even further, four additional units are being fitted to the new machines with immediate effect.

The first of the new innovations is the Y axis on the slide-rest.

This is an ideal addition for manufacturing complex components as it simplifies challenging operations such as offset transverse bores, the milling of surfaces with transit functions, the milling of slots and the deburring of transverse bores.

An extensive and diverse range of macros are provided to make these functions easy to program, giving the end user the immediate benefits.

The Y-axis on the slide rest has a 12mm stroke with a torque of 1.5Nm delivering a maximum speed of 8,000rpm.

For customers requiring more speed, a 0.75Nm unit is available to deliver 16,000rpm with gearboxes being readily available to enhance spindle speeds further.

The Y axis frontal unit is an option that exists in two versions - one as a driven unit and the other one not driven.

The non-driven unit is used primarily for internal machining.

This makes it possible to perform processing steps directly from the front, which were previously carried out using the slide-rest.

This leaves the slide-rest free to perform other machining operations simultaneously.

Here too, macros can be employed for operations such as internal thread whirling to simplify the task.

The second variant takes the form of a frontal Y axis with drive unit.

Complex components frequently require several drilling operations from the front with relatively narrow diameters.

This equipment is ideally suited to this purpose.

Thanks to the powered spindles, bar stock can be positioned virtually anywhere.

This unit, like the Y axis on the slide rest has 1.5Nm of torque with a maximum speed of 8,000rpm with the option of a 0.75Nm unit with a maximum speed of 16,000rpm.

The new transverse drilling unit is proving to be the icing on the cake for Tornos customers.

It is a small and powerful unit that can be fitted in any position without problem thanks to its intelligent symmetrical design.

This equipment can be retrofitted to existing MultiDECO units as well as the new MultiAlpha 8x20 and 6x32.

The modularity of this unit is further enhanced by equipping it with a diverse range of heads, either in the form of a direct drilling unit or with a 90 degree head for performing lateral drilling/milling operations.

The drill has 2Nm of Torque with a maximum speed of 8,000rpm, however there is the option of a gearbox that will provide a torque output of 10Nm with a maximum speed of 1,250rpm.

With these standard items of equipment, Tornos is consistently striving to enhance its multi-spindle product strategy, enabling complex components to be machined through to completion in a single fixture setting.

CNC 8mm bar automatic lathe has live tools

An 8mm capacity, single spindle, CNC automatic lathe now has a motorised unit to power live tooling and there is also an option of a workpiece conveyor with the machine.

The world's first 8mm capacity single-spindle, automatic lathe with tailstock - the Deco Sigma 8 (Previously Deco 8sp) from Tornos has undergone product enhancements. Since its launch in 2005, the highly successful Deco Sigma 8 with five basic linear axes now incorporates a motorised unit for live rotary tools and a workpiece conveyor belt to deliver additional productivity options for customers. The new motorised unit enables the user to install a front-mounted and a rear-mounted live rotary tool for simultaneous main and counterspindle operations respectively.

This allows customers to conduct drilling, face milling on or off axis, tangential milling on the diameter with polygon cutting, thread whirling and thread milling currently being researched.

This development brings significantly improved capability to the Deco Sigma 8 allowing customers to achieve relatively complex component manufacture without the cost of a high specification machine.

This development enables the workpiece to be machined on its front and rear faces within compact dimensions whilst retaining every tool position.

It also allows rotational speeds to be set digitally as it is powered by the same S11 motor used to drive transverse spindles.

This new development has a maximum rotational speed of 10,000 rev/min and is suited to ER8 collets with a maximum 5mm tool shank diameter.

The unit can be mounted right at the back of the tool system X1/Y1 and can replace the 'L-shaped' tool support for 2 x 4 fixed turning tools (front and back).

Whenever this equipment is being employed, an 'L-shaped' bracket can be mounted to hold 6 fixed-position axial tools, three at the front and three at the back.

* conveyor system - the Deco Sigma 8 developed from extensive market research enables Tornos to address markets such as the electronics and medical.

The second development, the workpiece conveyor belt lends itself to these specific sectors and enables customers to enhance productivity and simplifies post operation handling of components.

This option enables workpieces to be conveyed from the workpiece separating unit, which is located outside the machine.

The machined workpieces are collected in a perforated tray and when another sorting system is used such as a turntable or a bucket distributor, a workpiece slide can be mounted in place of the tray.

The conveyor belt enables the end user to remove workpieces safely with a conveyor belt speed that can be adjusted to suit the work cycle.

The belt feed rate is fully adjustable and can operate from 1.2 to 21m/min.

This unit can be adapted to work with the customer's choice of external workpiece retrieval and sorting system, making it a truly universal system.

CNC automatics replace cam-driven lathes

Replacing cam-driven automatic lathes with CNC sliding head automatic lathes means a couplings maker can benefit on delivery and price and run machines 'lights out'.

The replacement of cam-driven turning with high-technology citizen cnc mill/turning machines has given John Elliot, the 83-year-old managing director of Quality Couplings, a new lease of life. 'The new machines have transformed the company,' he said, 'Giving me completely renewed interest - you could say I've developed a totally new outlook on life.' Following the installation of two Citizen C-Series CNC sliding head automatic lathes Elliot reflected: 'One immediate benefit of CNC technology is that we know exactly where we are with production, quality, delivery and price, and the company is already benefiting from reduced cost of production per part as the new machines are run unmanned at night.' That's a 'far cry' from the situation 12 months ago when he was facing the spectre of a future lack of skills for his traditionally bread-winning, but ageing, cam-driven machine based turning operation as four of his key autosetters (with 75 years service between them) look forward to retirement next year. He decided then it was time for a change and to adopt high technology mill/turning.

After spending some time looking at the leading CNC sliding head machines on the market, he decided in 2005 to buy the two Citizen C-Series machines from NC Engineering in Watford, UK.

These were installed in a refurbished factory unit just four units away from his cam machine shop and arrangements were made for NC Engineering to retrain an autosetter, Dave Reynolds, (who can tell the tales of some 50 years of being around automatic lathes) while 26-year-old CNC setter/operator, Paul Holliman, was recruited to run the new Citizen C16-VII and C32-VIII machines.

Born in 1923, Elliot left school at 14 to serve a seven-year apprenticeship as a pattern maker, followed by several years in the Merchant Navy during the war.

When he was 58, he bought Quality Couplings from The Receiver - at a time when many would rather be thinking of retirement rather than building a business - and moved the company from Birmingham to its current base in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.

He set about using traditional cam autos to produce turned parts for pipe fittings, and over the years progressively built a very successful business.

Today, he runs the two machine shops from an office on the shopfloor.

He wakes at 5 am every morning, arrives at work by 7 am and most evenings leaves at 4.45 pm on the dot.

In March next year, he is due to be featured in a Channel 4 television documentary.

Quality Couplings has a customer base of some 600 clients spanning heating and ventilation, gas burner, valves, pipe and hose fittings, pneumatics, heating, hydraulics and automotive suppliers, and it manufactures batches ranging from 500 to 10,000 parts.

CNC machining now takes priority at the firm ('Once established with the Citizens we despatched 11 cam machines to a company in Birmingham,' he said) though six cam machines continue to be used.

However, capability to mill and turn parts of various levels of complexity in a single operation is dictating as much work as possible through the Citizen C16 and C32.

This is confirmed by Holliman, who reckons over 700 programs have been written since the machines were installed in April 2005.

Machines are often reset in the afternoon ready for the next job to run through the night and when the batch is completed, the machine switches off and is reset in the morning for the next part.

Due to the wide variety of batch sizes Holliman prefers to program at the machine while its running, working to the scheduled work load laid down by Elliot.

Far from sitting contemplating his life, Elliot is continuously busy.

He still goes to see customers, takes most of the phone calls to Quality Couplings and ensures all the machines are fully loaded with jobs.

'I issue the job cards manually - but early in 2007 we will be computerised, which will also help me control stock,' he said.

Computers will be an important addition to the citizen machines as with such a large customer base and a big demand for production call-off from stores for quick delivery, Quality Couplings has around GBP 1 million of finished stock components.

Other tasks performed by this most senior of managers is the raising of invoices and checking invoices from suppliers.

'There is no hierarchy in this business,' he said, 'I also do most of the quotes working with the setters to establish cycle times - well at least for CNC - I can still do cam machine quotes with my eyes almost shut, a factor of doing it for so long.' Both Citizen C-Series machines installed at Quality Couplings have main and sub spindles with two-gang tool slides enabling simultaneous machining with three tools.

The C32-VIII has an 8,000 rev/min main and 7,000 rev/min sub spindle with 14 tools and eight driven tools powered by 1kW motors.

The C16-VII has 18 tools plus eight driven by 1kW motors.

What has impressed Elliot is the support from NC Engineering.

'We had a couple of problems on a parts-catcher and for some reason a troublesome platen on the C16.

NC Engineering was able to locate and replace the platen the next day,' he said.

'Now that's what I call service,' he maintained.

While Elliot runs the day to day operation of Quality Couplings, his son, John 'junior', runs a submersible and surface pump supply operation from the same premises.

While not involved in his father's production interests, the two do vie for storage space and, with a knowing wink and a definite pride in his son's achievements, Elliot said he enjoys keeping the younger businessman on his toes.

'He's got to make space for my expansion,' maintained Elliot, 'Because I've got the bit between my teeth to adopt new technology and there will be more CNC machines installed soon.

Sliding head automatic lathe deep-hole drills

CNC sliding head automatic lathe has a deep hole drilling facility and a motion control that allows very high speed cutting cycles for relatively simple turning operations.

A defining feature of the new Star SR-20RIII lathe compared with the RII model is its ability to drill a hole down the center of a 20mm diameter bar to a depth of 100mm, using the 3.7kW / 10,000 rev/min main spindle in conjunction with two additional front-facing tools mounted next to the opposed spindle. Another key feature is the Fanuc 300iS CNC with motion control, capable of very high speed cutting cycles for relatively simple turning operations when running programs created and optimised off-line using powerful computer-aided manufacturing software from Star. Conventional ISO programming and computer numerical control is reserved for producing more complex components.

The SR-20RIII will be demonstrated for the first time in the UK at customer launch days to be held at Star Micronics GB's technical centre in Melbourne, Derbyshire, on April 24-26 2007.

Star is also keen to point out that there will be special offers on certain machine models during the three-day event.

In addition, Iscar tooling will feature and Delcam will be making presentations on its Partmaker CAM software.

Managing director, Bob Hunt, is particularly pleased that the Japanese parent company has priced the new 7-axis mill-turn centre at a similar level as the original cost of an SR-20RII, so the additional RIII features are available at almost zero cost.

The specification of the RII has been reconfigured and will be offered alongside the RIII.

Further promoting high productivity are 35m/min rapid feeds in all linear axes, higher than on the RII and equivalent to the fastest machine in Star's range, the SR-10J.

C-axis positioning of the main and sub spindles in 0.01 deg increments is similarly fast at over 9 rev/s.

Despite the RIII's agility, it is a robust machine weighing 2.2 tonnes, capable of achieving very high accuracy and surface finish.

Spindle cooling ensures thermal stability and also contributes to high precision machining.

The working area can accommodate a large number of cutters in addition to the deep hole drills and the usual six ganged turning tools above the guide bush.

They include four front-facing and four rear-facing end-working tools in the main sleeve holder; up to 10 live cross-working stations, some of which may be swapped for more end-working tools or other attachments such as for angle drilling, hobbing or roller burnishing; and an independent, four-spindle back-working unit with live and stationary positions.

The design of a new product is not complete these days without measures to reduce its environmental impact.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Manual/CNC lathe can also perform milling

The latest generation of advanced customised controls and conversational programming systems feature on the first Harrison manual/CNC lathe to have a milling facility.

The new Alpha X Series lathes from British lathe manufacturer T S Harrison, which was premiered at EMO 2005, features the latest generation of advanced customised controls and programming systems developed by Harrison design engineers in partnership with the industry-leading automation technology specialist, GE Fanuc. The Alpha X Series, comprising the XT, XS and top-of-the-range, 3-axis XM - the first Harrison lathe produced with milling capability - takes the Harrison range into a new era of performance, with significant enhancements in the crucial parameters of turning speeds, power and reliability. All new Alpha X Series lathes incorporate Fanuc's latest conversational programming software facility and offer the fastest, easiest set-up of any lathes in the market.

* Controls and control features - the 'entry-level' Alpha XT models (comprising the 1350XT, 1400XT, 1460XT and 1550XT) are all equipped with the GE Fanuc Oi Mate TC control.

This is loaded with the new Fanuc Turn Mate i conversational system.

The new controls for Harrison Alpha XT lathes feature: * 7.2in LCD mono operator touchscreens.

* ISO standard CNC.

* Full Fanuc CNC keyboards.

* One-click-one-micron feel handwheels.

* Sliding operator console for maximum convenience during loading and set-up.

* Rapid traverse joystick.

The Turn Mate i system on the XT models enables up to 40 separate operations to be stored in the software, allowing multiple options for profiling, grooving, facing, threading, drilling and tapping, radii and chamfers, boring, tapering and simple stops.

For the first time on the Alpha T range of machines it allows full contour programming at the control.

Another 'first' for the Alpha XT range, compared with the previous Alpha T models, is the ability to switch the control to full ISO functionality (CNC).

This empowers more experienced operators to run programmes previously used on other machines and/or to generate programs in the CNC format.

This is also the first time that any Alpha T model has been available with an eight-station bi-directional turret which increases its automation capability.

As with all previous Alpha machines, Harrison's Alphalink CAD/CAM software is supplied to customers free of charge.

The Windows-compatible system allows simple generation of standard ISO (CNC) programs and the use of previously-generated DXF files.

David Smith, Harrison's sales director, explained that the customized control system for the Alpha XT models has been extensively developed to provide a 'total system solution' for optimum integration of all key systems: servos, spindle, drives, control, operator panel and electrical components.

'Like all versions of the X Series, the Alpha XT lathes are perfectly suited to producing 'one-offs' and small-batch turned parts.

No other lathes on the market today, including full CNC machines, can compete with the X Series for speed of production when it comes to these small volume turning applications,' he said.

The new Harrison Alpha XS line-up (comprising the 1350XS, 1400XS, 1460XS, 1550XS, and 1800XS), was similarly developed between Harrison and GE Fanuc.

The Alpha XS lathes have the GE Fanuc 21i TB control, loaded with custom-written Alpha mode programming software, which is unique to Harrison Alpha lathes, and the Fanuc Manual Guide i conversational programming system.

The key specifications are: * Ultra high-speed GE Fanuc 21i TB CNC control.

* 10.4in colour operator touchscreen.

* Two software systems (Alpha system + GE Fanuc Manual Guide i).

* Industry standard ISO programming.

* High-speed fibre optic data transfer.

* PCMCIA (flash card) and RS232 communication ports.

* Twin MPG handwheels.

* Rapid traverse joystick.

'The Alpha system software is well-recognised as the easiest control in the world to both learn and operate by a manual-lathe trained operator.

Its functions start with electronic stops, which directly mimic the familiar manual stops, and progress to automatic machining of complex forms.

At no time does the operator require any knowledge of CNC programming,' explained Smith.

'Manual Guide i is an easy-to-use, intuitive programming system designed to assist the less experienced operator to gain full advantage of the features of even the most complex of machining functions.

It is important to note this has been customised by Harrison to make the Manual Guide i fitted to these XS machines absolutely unique to the Alpha products and faster to programme than any other similar lathe.' The customised control system fitted to all Alpha XS lathes are designed to allow operators to utilize the machines to their full potential and capability with minimal training.

The Manual Guide i system offers a full range of easy, conversational cycles for direct 'at the machine' component set up.

Following programming the cycles may be simulated using 3D solid model graphics.

The new Alpha 1550XM lathe is identical in operation to the XS range, but has the additional functionality of a C axis and driven tool capability.

These machines utilise a standard headstock and newly-developed servo-driven worm and wheel drive.

Engagement of the drive to establish C-axis control is achieved via an electrically-driven actuator.

The tool-mounting options offered with the Alpha 1550XM are a Duplomatic 8-station turret (4 driven tool positions) or a Sandvik Capto driven tool-post allowing manual change of standard, Capto or driven tool holders.

To utilise the total C-axis capabilities of the machine, comprehensive C-axis programming cycles are available through both the Manual Guide i conversational system and the enhanced version of AlphaLink CAD/CAM software.

This total C-axis functionality allows milling, PCD (pitch-circle-diameter) and radial drilling, tapping, keyways, cam profiles etc to be generated off-line.